We kiss while I do what he wants me to. Rubbing him harder and faster, hoping I’m doing a good job. Touching him like this with him kissing me unleashes a ravenous hunger for him to fuck me, and I start pumping his cock with a furious force.

His kisses turn the same type of ravenous, but then he pulls back, takes hold of my hand on his cock, and before I know it, the spray of hot cum rushes over my belly and my mound. I don’t stop rubbing him though. I continue and more comes out.

We’re both breathing hard as the last pearly drop to seeps out. So hard I can’t catch my breath. I let go of him. He presses his hands to the wall, looming over me.

I don’t know what I expect him to say. Or do. Though it’s not what he does next. His face hardens, and he becomes the beast again.

The Massimo I’m used to. Not the man I just gave my first kiss to.

He pushes away from the wall and leaves me standing there. I don’t know what I did wrong.

As reality returns to me slowly, I don’t know what the hell just happened either.

Conflict fills me, and as much as I’d love to lie to myself and believe I didn’t enjoy what we just did, I know it’s not true.

What about him though? He just left me.


I barely slept through the night. What happened in the shower played over and over in my mind and was the first thing I thought of when I woke this morning.

Massimo is my enemy. I’m not supposed to enjoy any part of this crazy arrangement we have. It’s a contract of shit that I have to live with for the rest of my life.

Live with it. Or try to escape.

Escaping is definitely still the plan, but how am I going to do it?

I would need help in every sense of the word.

I know nothing about rowing a boat, let along rowing one on dangerous waters.

But I can’t live like this. I certainly can’t live with a volatile man I can’t wrap my head around. So, escape has to be something I place at the forefront of my mind.

That means sticking to the plan to get him to trust me, so I won’t need the constant supervision. I would just need an hour to myself, tops. The cave about ten minutes from where Candace and I sat on the beach. So, not exactly far, but I would have to factor in everything else.

Aside from the issue of the boat and the dangers of the sea, my problem is my emotions betraying me when I’m with Massimo. There was no acting yesterday. Everything I did with him was real. So, how do I start pretending?

Maybe the thing to do is allow things to play out. That’s how trust might come. And since I doubt I’ll earn it before the wedding, I’m guessing everything will happen according to the plan. I’ll have to marry him and represent the symbol of defeat for my father.

I want to talk to Dad. I need to.

I want to talk to him outside all of this and get answers. I hate what he’s done to me. It’s been so unfair. I need to get the truth from him. I’ve been here for close to two weeks, and as far as I know, he hasn’t tried to get me back. No one has said anything, but I have this feeling he hasn’t. As to what that means, I can’t say one way or the other until I speak to him. Which means waiting until the fundraiser.

The da

y goes by while I feel like a ghost in the house. Night comes. I wonder where Massimo is. I’m not sure if I believe that he hasn’t been spending his nights with Gabriella. Typical her name would be that.

Listen to me. Christ. Truthfully… I am jealous. I am. I hate to admit it. I never saw her close up, but I could tell what kind of woman she is. Exactly the type I imagined Massimo to be with. She has the perfect shape, perfectly styled hair, and looked like she knew exactly what to do with a man in the bedroom. Unlike me, who’s never seen a cock until yesterday.

I swallow hard. The thought of him with her pulls at my heart in a way that I hate because I should feel nothing for him. But I know that deep down I’m more than just attracted to him. I actually like him.

By nightfall I find myself sitting on the balcony on the second floor, gazing out at the beach, wondering where he is. I’m so stupid. He could be here with Gabriella, and I’d be none the wiser. I wouldn’t know shit.

I still don’t know where his bedroom is. During my tour of the house, that part was left out. There are parts of the house that I haven’t been to. No one said anything regarding those parts. I noticed them but didn’t venture there, not even by myself. I assumed the doors would be locked anyway.

I turn when I hear footsteps and see Candace approaching me carrying a little plate with cookies on it. She appears more relaxed than I’ve seen her so far.

“Hey, there,” she says. “I was hoping you wouldn’t be here, so I’d have an excuse to have these all to myself.”