Now, he lingers before me, inches away from my lips, waiting for me to give him my first kiss. Something I know he could take, he could easily steal from me.

What I’m looking at is a door. A door that could open the path to my escape. Be his, get him exactly where I want, then leave. Just like Candace said. Flee and never look back.

The door is open, but what I see inside, on that path that could be my freedom, is something else that lures me and entices my curiosity.

He wants me. That’s what I see. I see want and desire for me. He wants me, and not because he wants to screw with Dad, or even to screw with me.

I’ve never had a man like him look at me the way he is, and I’ve never been able to look at someone and see so plainly what they truly want.

The confirmation of the thought sends a shiver of arousal spiraling through my body. It sparks my nerves and ignites wild heat through my entire being.

He moves even closer, beckoning me to come to him. When I do, thoughts of escape flee from my mind. Everything I previously thought is replaced by the desire to taste him.

It’s me who closes the space between us. Me who gives it to him. My first kiss.

As my lips touch his, fire burns straight through to my soul.

He’s forbidden to me, my enemy, my captor, but it feels as if I should have always been kissing him.

Pleasure rouses passion, strong and unrelenting, making the kiss turn hungry, then greedy in seconds. That’s when I lose my mind.

Lust burns my brain. I moan into his hard, searching mouth. He takes advantage to sweep his tongue over mine. Passion sings through my veins.

We’re kissing.

We’re actually kissing, and I don’t want him to stop.

I want him to keep kissing me.

When he smoothes his hand behind my head to deepen the kiss, I don’t want him to stop touching me either.

I savor him. Deep down, knowing this forbidden moment is one I shouldn’t enjoy.

His hands roam over my face, then down my neck, down to my chest, where they squeeze my breasts. I moan out so loud the sound embarrasses me.

My naked flesh touches his, and as I kiss him, he feels like mine. Massimo feels like he belongs to me too. Whenever I imagined what my first kiss would be like, I didn’t imagine this.

And when I imagined what it would be like to kiss this man, there’s no way I thought I would feel like this. Like part of me has lost my damn mind, while the other part… that part of me craves him so much I ache.

The ache resonates from deep inside my core and cascades over my body, making me crave his touch. Making me want more.

We kiss until the world fades into the background and everything goes with it. All I feel is pleasure. A primal need for him to take me.

His lips trail down to my neck. Up my ear. He leans close and brushes his lips over my lobe, his breath a gentle caress on my soul. His lips travel down to my breasts, and he starts sucking my nipples. The exhilarating sensation makes my pussy clench. I already feel close to orgasm. He sucks hard and slips his finger deep inside my pussy, pumping in and out.

I gasp and grab his powerful shoulders, feeling solid muscle beneath my fingertips. I didn’t know muscles could feel like that. He starts alternating from one breast to the other, giving me unimaginable pleasure. It feels so damn good. I come moments later, and as he continues pumping into me, I feel like I’m at the brink yet again.

He bends down and buries his face between my thighs, lapping over my already swollen clit, licking and drinking up my juices. He grabs my ass while he continues his feast and doesn’t stop until there’s nothing left.

On standing, a deep groan rumbles within his chest and he presses his cock into my abdomen.

“Touch me,” he beckons. I gaze up at him first before looking down at his long, thick cock. The fat mushroom head is straining toward me in a thick arc. I wonder what it would feel like inside me.

The same way I never imagined feeling the way I do about this kiss, I never imagined seeing a man look so perfect.

I look down at it and reach out, running my finger over his length. In that moment, I feel less innocent than I did moments ago. I close my fist around his cock. He covers my hand with his, guiding me to rub him up and down.

“Harder, Princess. Harder and faster,” he groans and cups my face to return his lips to mine.