When I place the knife back on the table, Phillipe, the chairman, nods his approval. I saw the way he looked at me when I walked in. He and the two Bratva leaders exchanged glances. Curious glances. There’s a spark of endorsement in his eyes now, as he looks me over.

They all know I have Riccardo’s voting rights.

What they don’t know is what will happen now that I have them. This sort of thing is not something that’s ever happened before. Taking voting rights for a debt. Questions we won’t answer will be raised.

I sit. Pa gives me the final nod. I’m a member now, just like him.

This is where it will all begins. The next generation. When Pa leaves, I’ll be here with Tristan the same way the leaders are with their counterparts. Riccardo is here with Leo, his brother. They both look at me from across the table. Seething.

Powerless, useless, helpless…

I could almost laugh. I would almost laugh if not for the image of his daughter in my mind.

Powerless, useless, helpless. It describes her too.

I haven’t seen her in four days.

I’ve been busy with my men on the streets, looking for Vlad. I’m sure to shit the rats have whispered to him that I know he’s alive and I’m on the hunt for his ass, because there’s no trace of him. I’ll also admit that I’ve been avoiding Emelia. I thought it was better to, but not seeing her has grated on my nerves.

Phillipe gives me a nod and clears his throat. His tanned olive skin looks stretched when he smiles. Like he’s stayed in the sun too long. It makes his light blue eyes appear more intense.

“Wonderful,” he says. “It’s great to have a powerful man like you among our fold. You are just like your father.”

“I take that as the highest compliment.” It’s the truth. I do.

“You should,” he says.

Pa rebuilt himself, and they approached him, asking him to join, after he became a titan without them. I always wondered why he agreed, though, because they turned their backs on him after Riccardo’s treachery.

It took me awhile to realize it wasn’t as simple as turning their backs. They were being as objective as we want them to be now. My father became a loose link in the chain. The same as they will eventually come to see Riccardo.

When Emelia asked me what her father did to me, it was hard to think of an answer that would summarize everything. What happened was this: Riccardo set Pa up. Pa was in charge of the family business. Back then, it was investments. Same as Riccardo’s. In those days, the Syndicate was low level and started with our great-grandfathers. When Pa and Riccardo joined forces, he set up a pump-and-dump scheme, hired people to cash out and ruined Pa.

That was after Riccardo set up Balesteri Investments and stole all the clients Pa had obtained for years. That left Pa bankrupt. All his money and assets were seized to pay debts, and because some of the members of the Syndicate and their families were clients, it was easy to get him out. The whole plot was a carefully woven plan to destroy. We had to go through hell and back, but it’s better to have accomplished all that we have with our bare hands than to stand on the shoulders of giants. Doing so made us giants too.

“Now, on to business,” Phillipe says, clearing his throat.

“Fire away,” Pa says.

“Taking a leader’s voting rights is rendering him powerless in matters we need to agree on as a group. This is the first time such a thing has happened. We’d love for you to shed some light on the matter.”

Phillipe is no fool. I’m certain it’s as obvious to him as it is to Riccardo what we mean to do. We’re devils come out to play. Everyone has questions. We’ll decide how we answer.

Pa steeples his fingers and leans forward onto the table. “He owed a debt to me, and that is one of the ways I chose to be repaid. It’s as simple as that.”

“Let’s be real, shall we?” Phillipe states, shifting his gaze to Riccardo. “Losing voting rights better be worth it. I’m also aware that a majority of your assets now belong to Massimo in his ascension as boss of the D’Agostino family. All but Balesteri Investments, but if I’m not mistaken, your heir will receive that. News has spread abroad of her engagement to Massimo. Meaning that’s practically his too. It is not my place to question you on matters outside the syndicate, but if I’m pushed, I will. My question is, what now?”

I like this guy. He cuts straight to the shit. These men aren’t stupid. They’re gonna know that we must have one hell of a debt over Riccardo’s head to demand so much. I’m sure they’ll most likely guess too that Emelia fell part of the repayment plan. It’s not hard to figure out things like that in our world.

Riccardo tenses, as does his brother. Backed into the proverbial corner. Right where we want him.

“I’m aware the situation is shit, but allow me time, and I will sort it all out. I may not have the assets and wealth I previously owned, but I have my skills, and I’m working on it,” Riccardo replies.

“You better hope so. We’ll give you eight weeks to sort yourself out, then we’ll meet again to discuss this further. However, that still leaves the matter of the tip in the balance of power.” Phillipe looks back at me. “Massimo, regardless as to what happens to Riccardo, you will hold the voting rights of him and your father. What do you plan to do with it?”

It’s my turn to talk. Everything I say now will be the guide for my future.

“I do not plan to rule over you.” They all look at me with enquiring eyes. “The Syndicate is about brotherhood and unity. The creed that protects us binds us together. When it is abused, the structure crumbles, so I won’t be using the extra vote unless the situation arises and I have to. If I have to, I’m sure we’ll discuss what will be fair and reasonable and for the benefit of the group.”