My spirits lift when I see him. He sets the cigar down on the ashtray. A smile spreads across his face.

He meets me halfway with an outstretched hand and a curt nod.

“Morning, Boss,” he says. I smile.

“Hello, brother,” I answer.

I shake his hand, but he pulls me in for a hug. It’s a rare thing amongst us, only done on special occasions. I’m glad he seems on board. Of all my brothers, I’m closest to him. Perhaps it’s because we’re only a year apart. Andreas is two years older than me, and Dominic is three years younger than me. We’re also very similar. We even look so much alike we could be twins.

“You look different, like a man in charge,” he notes with a nod. “Or like a man who’s taken charge of his woman.” Mischief speckles his eyes. I chuckle knowing he must be curious to hear what happened yesterday.

“Not yet,” I confess.

He shifts his weight from one side to the other and stares at me. “You’re kidding. I purposely didn’t message last night because I thought you’d be busy with your new toy. I know I would have been.”

“Careful, I might think you’re after my wife-to-be,” I joke. He rolls his eyes.

“You fucker, you know every man in sight is going to be after your wife-to-be.”

“Better not fucking be. They’ll know better than to look at what’s mine.”

I’m possessive, and I don’t care who I piss off. What’s mine is mine. I know there’s truth in his words though.

“Relax, I’m just teasing. In regard to me I mean. Wouldn’t do shit like that to you. Seriously, though, you did nothing with her?” He gives me an incredulous glare.

“No, didn’t do shit. Virgin.”

Now his mouth drops.

“Fuck, you’re kidding. I’m not surprised, but still.”


“Not waiting for the wedding night, are you?” He quirks a brow.

“Fuck no.”

He nods. “Good. How did it go with Riccardo? Did you make the bastard suffer?”

“I would say so. I would definitely say so.”

“I have the men on watch.”

I reach out and give him a pat on his shoulder. That’s what he’s in charge of. He oversees the soldiers and associates, so we keep things in line and under control.

I glance at the door as it opens. Dominic comes in carrying a tray of coffee from Starbucks. He also holds a pastry bag.

Dominic chuckles when he sees us. “Sorry I’m late,” he states. “Boss.”

I smile at that. He seems on board too.

“You know I won’t beat your ass for lateness yet.” I smirk.

“Don’t worry, master. I thought I’d appease you with the best coffee in the world.”

“You prick, you just wanted to grab some for yourself,” Tristan scolds him.

“Yeah,” Dominic confesses with a laugh.