The show closed for the season last week and I can honestly say it was the highlight of my life.

Months after he saved me I went back out into the world to chase my dream and landed a part in another musical. The same theatre as before but for a play called Hearts at War that was starting in the spring. I did it and it was amazing indeed, and this man of mine has already treated me to no end.

Nothing was better than seeing him watch me sing. He came to every single show and every time I looked at him I wasn’t sure which was more of an accomplishment. Him, or the chance to sing. Both are dreams I never thought I would have.

When the show finished over a week ago he showered me with roses and everything imaginable to show how proud he was of me.

The last gift was yesterday when he told me to pack a bag and the next thing I knew I was on a plane to Paris.

Now we’re here, sitting on top of the Eiffel Tower eating dinner.

I can’t believe it and I can’t believe how my life has changed.

I’m safe and I’m happy. I never thought I could find happiness in a dark angel, but I do. He keeps me safe.

Lucca’s name is not one that is mentioned in our home and I have never seen that man in all the time I’ve been there. I don’t know what happened between them but Dante never talks about it and it’s like the past didn’t happen.

The name Marchesi isn’t one I hate anymore. I gave him a chance and it was the best decision I ever made in my life.

He smiles at me and I know something more is up.

“You look like you’re planning something,” I note.

“Maybe I am baby,” he confesses.

“Dante, can you let me take care of you for once?” I bubble as if I could do anything close to what he does for me.

All I can do is love him.

“You do, and that’s why I planned this,” he answers, pulling a little box from his jacket pocket.

I gasp when he flicks it open and I see what’s inside.

It’s an engagement ring. A beautiful princess cut diamond set in the center of a gold band stares back at me. It’s sparkling like one of the stars in the night sky.

I look from him to the ring in disbelief.

“Oh my God,” I breathe.

My pulse races when he gets up and lowers to one knee, holding the ring out like the fairytale prince I imagined him to be when I first saw him.

“Megan… I love you,” he says. I never get tired of hearing those words.

“I love you too,” I tell him.

“You have changed me in so many ways and this is the last thing I need for you to truly be mine,” he says. “Will you marry me and be my forever?”

I’m nodding my acceptance before he can even get the words out.

“Yes. I will.”

He slips the ring on my finger and it feels like it should have always been there.

Bringing my hands up to his lips he kisses over my knuckles and holds my hands gazing down at them nestled in his.

“Thank you for making me the happiest man on earth.”

“It’s you who made me happy.”