“Where is she?” I growl.

“With clients Dante, what the fuck do you think this is? I’m running a brothel. She’s being fucked.”

I release his ass so I can punch him. I slam a fist so hard into his face he drops his glass and it smashes. He falls on the ground and before he can recover I’m on top of him.

I land another fist in his face and with it dawns an epiphany. I’m enraged because I do want her for myself. I’m out of sync and out of balance because I want a chance with a woman I think is too good for my world. I’m enraged because I was a coward. I walked away from the one good thing to drift into my life and I want it back. I want her back.

So no… no fucking way am I finished with her.

An idea forms in my head when I grab him by his throat and squeeze his neck so hard I’m surprised it doesn’t snap off his body.

“I want her as payment,” I say to him.

“What?” he garbles, gasping to catch his breath.

“I want her as my final payment,” I repeat with a growl. “You will give me her and let go of all the girls who owe you.”

It’s now he’s ready to fight me.

He tries to grab me and thrashes around like a vicious animal but he doesn’t know my strength. He doesn’t know because I’ve never shown him.

“You fucking dog. You think you can tell me what to do?” he argues.

“Yes, of course, I fucking do. I’m boss of the family and I’m telling you.” I pull my gun on him and hold it at his head. It’s only then he sees how serious I am.

He stops moving and I release him.

“Lucca… you will do as I say. Free them, tonight.” It’s a loss to him because it’s all the VIP girls. The girls who would never be here. Two are looking at me from the corner with tears in their eyes. I focus on him. I don’t need a response. What I say goes and if there are repercussions I’ll deal with it.

“Where’s my girl?” I ask.

“Room two,” he answers and I leave him.

I leave and I know as much as I hate his guts I’ll probably see him again soon, when the next motherfucker tries to kill him.

I get to room two and hear her screaming. The sound is so shrill it pierces through to my bones and makes me react in an instant. I still have my gun in my hand. Good thing too because as I kick the door in the scene before me warrants a gun.

Megan is naked on the floor on her hands and knees, blood dripping from her back.

She looks at me and her face is a mess of blood and bruises. One of her eyes is sealed shut.

A naked man is standing above her with a whip in his hands and another naked man is getting his dick ready to enter her. He’s the first to grab his gun and shoot at me.

That was the only chance he got. I shoot him back and get him, then I get the guy with the whip right between the eyes before he can move.

I don’t think, I just do.

I shoot them dead and rush over to Megan who is crying hysterically.

Jesus Christ, she’s a mess. There are even patches of her hair that’s missing, it’s been ripped out.

“Come here baby, come here,” I say and pull her into my chest.

When she comes to me and holds on to my shirt, guilt sweeps through me in abundance. I shouldn’t have left her. I knew I wanted her right from the first time I saw her. She

came bumping into me. The universe waving a fucking sign right in my face to save her.

That was the moment she became my girl. This disaster is my fault.