It’s the same feeling now.

My cheeks burn from my awareness of him. Him the mob boss who just told me he liked me.

I’m crazy to think past what happens in this room. Outside that door, I’m a whore and he’s still the mob boss. Inside here, though, I’m Megan Carson again. He’s allowed me to be the woman I used to be just in this handful of nights.

My body heats up all over again when he touches my face and runs his finger over my jaw.

“That was beautiful… Megan,” he says stroking my face.

“You liked it?” I ask and he wipes away another tear from my cheek.

“I loved it.”

When he comes closer and presses his lips to mine I taste him and savor the feel of him.

We kiss and fall back onto the sheets and this time when his thick cock plunges into me it feels like he’s branding me as his.

The way he touches me is different. The way he kisses me feels different. So different from before. I’ve never made love before, but I think I am now.

I think he’s making love to me whether he wants to or not. It’s the same for me.

Morning comes and he’s gone again. I’m wiped out the same as I have been in previous nights.

Belinda doesn’t bother me like she usually does. I don’t have to ask if that’s because of Dante. I guess he must have said something to her. I think he said something to Lucca too because he doesn’t bother me like he usually does.

I actually walked around in this hell hole with a bounce in my step for the day. We clean the rooms in the daytime and by night they become other things.

As usual, I go to the lounge to serve the men drinks. This time was the first night that I had hope. I thought I would see Dante but he didn’t come.

Crestfallen I served drinks all night, but in my heart, I held on to the fact that no one booked me for the night. The same thing happened the night after that. And the night after that too.

Dante didn’t come back and nothing would make me look more stupid than asking for


And ask who?


I retreated inside myself, back to the shadow I was before him.

On Friday. I was called into a luncheon for one of Lucca’s special meetings.

I was to serve the sandwiches.

I got to the door with the tray of food and stopped short when I saw the two men who raped me months ago on my first night here.

The two sit around the table with Lucca talking business. They’re two Italian men of power. The tallest, the one who seems to be in charge notices me straightaway.

It took me a long time to forget their faces. To push their faces out of my mind and try to forget what happened to me.

“What are you doing standing there?” Lucca snaps and his beady eyes fixate on me. “Bring the fucking food over.”

The harshness in his tone suggests my period of respite is over.

I haven’t seen Dante in three days and it was foolish to hope that he could save me.

He can’t. This is my hell and where I’m destined to be for the rest of my days.