“I have a favor to ask you,” I say before I can talk myself out of it. I can’t rely only on Dagny’s network, especially not when I have the ear of Cirilea’s most resourceful, and I can’t wait for Boaz to show up in the throne room with a collared elemental.

Bexley’s eyebrow arches. “A favor for the Ybarisan princess that she dared not ask in front of her betrothed? I will not lie, I am intrigued.”

“I need you to find these women for me.”

Incredulous laughter sings from her lips. “Is that all?”

“Oh, I’m sorry. I thought you would be capable of something that straightforward. Was I wrong?”

She smirks. “Have you questioned the priestess Wendeline at the sanctum?”

“They’re not there.” At least, not yet.

“You seem so sure.”

“And you seem to know something I don’t.”

“I know many things you don’t.” Her lips twist with thought. “What are your intentions with these women? Will it earn me a place on a pyre next to you?”

So she does have thoughts for self-preservation. “I need information from them. That’s all. I have no intention of hurting anyone in Islor.” In fact, I’m desperately trying not to.

“What you’re asking will cost you.”

“What do you want?”

Her eyes settle to my neck before meeting mine again.

I swallow against my apprehension, though I was prepared for this the second I asked for the favor. “The king already gave you his answer on that.”

“And is the king your keeper?”

“No.” Technically, yes.

“I’m sorry, I thought you weren’t the meek and subservient Ybarisan princess you once pretended to be. Was I wrong?”

She’s persistent, which I expected. “You’re already getting your Ybarisan blood.”

“Yes, at the trough, like a barn animal.” Her nose wrinkles with scorn. “I would prefer yours.”

I really don’t think you would. “Fine.”

Her eyes flash with enthusiasm. “Are you saying we have a deal?”

“Yes.” Just not one she’ll be expecting. For the first time since Corrin insisted on hiding my scars to keep the truth of the attack secret, I can appreciate the benefit of guarding that knowledge. If Bexley knew the truth, I wouldn’t have anything to barter with now. “In private, and only after you bring me info that leads me directly to these women.”

“That is a reasonable request.”

“It’s urgent, Bexley. The sooner, the better. And let her know the royal guard has the description Kaders gave us. They’re looking for her.”

She licks her lips. “Is there anything else you can tell me to help guide my search?”

“Your Highness!” Dagny bellows. Beside her, Odier stands with his hands on his hips and his eyes wide with horror, and I realize my fingers are still grasping the indigo fabric.

I release it as if the cloth burned me. To Bexley, I whisper, “One of them may go by the name Ianca.”

“That is helpful.”

“Be tactful.”