Chapter Fifteen

Elisaf stands next to a coat of arms, dressed in his formal uniform, gripping the hilt of his sword with the arm that Zander nearly hacked off earlier.

I can’t help but beam as we approach him, my relief temporarily overwhelming the nerves churning in my stomach.

He bows and announces, “I will escort Her Highness from here per the king’s orders.”

Guard—I still haven’t learned his name—doesn’t need to be told twice. He offers a curt “Your Highness,” and marches away.

“I don’t think he likes his current assignment,” I mock whisper.

“I think you may be correct.” Elisaf falls into step beside me. “But Her Highness seems delighted.”

“I’m happy to see you’re not dead. I was worried about you.”

He offers a bashful smile. “No need to worry yourself. The priestess is more than capable of managing a mild wound.” He lifts his arm as if testing it and winces a touch.

“Right. Mild. And would Wendeline have been able to reattach your arm?”

“I do believe that would have been more problematic.”

I shake my head at his glibness. “And you’re not the least bit annoyed at your friend for maiming you?”

“My friend’s thoughts are weighed down by many challenges presently, one of which I’m leading into his throne room. I do not begrudge him for his miscalculation. Besides, I knew his head wasn’t clear. I should have stopped it.”

We turn down a grand hall, empty save for the royal guards that bank the sides every third gold pillar, standing sentry. At the end of it is a tall set of double doors that I assume is my destination. The rash of nerves that have accompanied me since leaving my suite come back with a vengeance. “What exactly does ‘receiving my formal absolution for all crimes’ mean?”

“His Highness did not explain?”

“I think he was more concerned with getting away from me as quickly as possible.”

Elisaf mutters under his breath. “Permission to speak freely, Your Highness?”

I groan. “You don’t have to ask me that.” I’m about to scream with all these formalities.

With a slight head dip, he lowers his voice. “Most of Islor’s immortal population despises Ybaris. Some of the more powerful lords and ladies openly challenged this union to begin with.”

“They don’t want peace between the two countries?”

“Peace is not so simply secured through a marriage. Our history is fraught with hatred that is deeply ingrained. It took great effort by King Eachann to convince the court this arrangement would be beneficial to Islor, but after what happened here and what Neilina did to her own husband, those lords and ladies will not be swayed again. Others want to believe but are wary. And now there is no benefit unless you and Zander can negotiate with Neilina.” He hesitates. “The Islorians have grown accustomed to living a certain way, and they fear change. They want the power of the casters returned to Islor, but they deem a union between you two is a trick for Neilina to seize our land, and the most recent assault only confirms that.”

“But he’s the king. Does it matter what they want or say?”

“He is the king,” Elisaf echoes. “No, he does not need their permission, but he also cannot rule a realm as vast as Islor on his own. The lords and ladies are the stewards of this land and its people. They ensure crops are sown and harvested, taxes are collected, and the king’s laws are upheld. Their soldiers may be bound to the king, but first and foremost, they are loyal to those they know. If the nobility does not respect the monarchy, ruling over Islor becomes more difficult for Zander. His laws are not upheld without challenge, uprisings and rebellions stir, allegiances with enemies prevail.”

“Like with Lord Muirn.”

“And whoever else feels they can do a better job of ruling in his place.”

“Are there others?”


“And could they? Rule better, I mean.” It’s a provocative question.

Elisaf’s firm “no” followed by a resolute head shake and a stern expression tells me he believes it wholeheartedly. That, or he would never want to be caught saying otherwise.

“Zander must make a formal declaration in front of them all, as king, that you are innocent, and that you will be queen of Islor.”