Page 59 of Love Me Later

“Always?” He chuckles.

“What?” Pushing aside my paperwork, I scoot my desk chair closer.

“Do you forget that I know you? All the badge bunnies you and I used to hunt at that bar in Austin during the academy and all the cop groupies you continued to conquer after. If you had been in love with Rory always, then what the hell took you so long to own up to it?”

“It was never the right time.”

“Riiight.” More laughter. It’s becoming irritating. “Funny how the right time ended up being the day she was supposed to marry someone else.”

“What are you getting at?”

“Nothing. All I’m saying is maybe you freaked out a bit, you know? Suddenly realizing you were about to lose your best friend. And maybe that selfishly manifested into feelings of love.”

“What the hell kind of psycho-babble is that crap?”

But I know exactly what Terrell is saying. I knew some people would think I selfishly confessed my love for Rory in an attempt to keep her from leaving me here alone. And I did, don’t get me wrong. I’ve already fully admitted to my selfishness. But what none of them will ever see is the decade long love I’ve felt for her. Our friends and this damn town can think whatever the hell they want. As long as Rory knows the truth, that’s all that matters.

“Look, as your friend, all I’m saying is you better treat Rory a million times better than you did the others. Because if you don’t, you’ll be wishing for traffic duty when Skip’s done wiping the floor with you.”