Page 34 of Love Me Later

“Jackson, I know. I mean, do supermodels even shop? In movies and books, the rich and famous people always make a phone call and then racks upon racks of clothes just magically appear.”

I let out a laugh and nod my head. My brother, being at the top of his game, met one of the world’s most famous supermodels at an event a couple of years back. Three months later, they eloped on a beach in Thailand. They invited none of us. I can count on my hand the number of times I’ve been in a room with her. She’s not big into family and wouldn’t be caught dead in a place like Hawk Bend.

“Who even knows. Those two are so out of touch with reality, nothing would surprise me.” I grab a couple of pieces of brisket with my fork and place them on Rory’s plate while she scoops a heaping spoonful of coleslaw onto mine. “Did mom bitch and complain the whole time?”

“You already know she did.” Rory can’t help the smile on her face. She loves my mom, always has.

Grabbing a slice of white bread, I dip it into the BBQ sauce then lay a piece of brisket on top of it. The two of us eat in comfortable silence, but I can tell Rory has something on her mind.

“Jackson, I want to apologize for last night. I should have stopped Brad from getting us all a table. If we cost you a second date—”

“You didn’t.”

Rory’s eyes go wide and I watch as her jaw tightens. “Oh, well, that’s good. So, um, things went well after we left.”

“Yeah, I guess.” Together, the two of us have shared dozens of first date stories. But this time it feels wrong, so I keep the details vague. “We’re going out again on Wednesday.”

“Wow, that’s soon. You must really like this one.”

There’s an edge to Rory’s voice I’ve never heard before. Or, I should say I’ve never heard the edge directed at me. It’s what I jokingly refer to as her school counselor’s voice. It’s the professional tone she uses when she’s annoyed or frustrated but is trying to hide how she really feels.

“Rory?” Her beautiful green eyes meet mine and the look in them is impossible to read. “Why didn’t you tell Brad about our tattoo?”

Rory stands up from the table and opens the fridge door. She grabs a couple of bottles of water and places one in front of me.

“I’ve never told anyone I’ve been with.”

“Why?” I hold my breath, waiting for her to answer.

“Because it’s something that belongs to us and only us. I don’t feel the need to share that piece of myself with anyone but you.”

My eyes scan her face, looking for the smallest sign that her words mean something deeper. That there is, in fact, suddenly something more between us. Something that, until now, has only been one-sided and never reciprocated. But Rory is emotionally too strong to let something like that slip. Especially if she’s trying to hide it. While I look at Rory, she focuses on the water bottle in front of her, peeling off the label. The light above us catches the diamond in her engagement ring, pulling my attention to it.

“That night at the Valentine’s Day dance—”

“I’m sorry if I weirded you out.” Rory interrupts me and I pause, allowing her to finish. “That was just me getting emotional. Before you know it, I’ll be married and everything will be different. I got caught up thinking about how much I’m going to miss everyone and everything.”

She gives me a warm smile, and I internally deflate. Of course that’s what she was feeling, and here I took it to mean something else. Again, wishful thinking on my part.

“This town will always be your home. You’re welcome at this dump anytime. As long as you bring food with you, that is.”

“Deal.” Rory smiles.