Page 26 of Love Me Later

“He’s on a date,” Rory answers for me. Her face is expressionless as she takes in Vanessa.

“Oh, well hi. Nice to meet you.” Brad extends his hand out to Vanessa. “I’m sure you’ve heard all about Rory, but I’m Brad, Rory’s fiancé.”

“Are you Rory?” It’s obvious from the look on her face that this whole interaction confuses Vanessa.

“Sorry,” I quickly mutter. “Vanessa, Rory and I grew up together. She’s one of my best friends.” I look at Brad, avoiding Rory’s gaze altogether. “Vanessa and I only met a couple of days ago.”

“Oh, gotcha. I was wondering how the two of you didn’t know the other was going to be here.” Brad points back and forth between Rory and me. “Sometimes I think these two don’t blink without letting each other know.”

Rory gives him one of her signature shut up looks before turning back to Vanessa. “It’s nice to meet you.”

“Durand, party of two!” the hostess calls out.

“What time is your reservation?” Brad asks.

“I didn’t know we needed one. Our table should be ready by… June,” Vanessa jokes.

“Oh, well, hang on.” Brad walks over to the hostess and the three of us watch in strained silence as they exchange a few words. I watch the woman grab two more menus as Brad waves us over to him. What the fuck did he do?

“Oh my God, how did he do that?” Vanessa stares at Brad with her mouth partially open in awe.

“One of the partners in his firm owns fifty-one percent of the restaurant,” Rory explains. I pick up on the irritation in her voice even if Vanessa doesn’t. “He name dropped.”

Rory walks past Brad, and he casually follows her. Vanessa gives me a big, excited smile as I gesture for her to take the lead.

“How amazing is it to have that kind of power?” she asks.

“Well, that’s our Brad,” I mutter. “He’s all sorts of amazing.”