Page 23 of His Little Garnet

His free hand comes to the side of my neck, and he strokes my cheek with his thumb while he slides the probe deeper and changes the angle. “I haven’t given you pleasure since we arrived, Baby girl, because I didn’t want to do so without your consent. But you can speak now. Would you like Papi to give you pleasure while we wait for the probe to collect data?”

I shake my head again. I want him to so badly, but I don’t want to want that.

He draws in a slow breath. “Your pussy is soaked, Olivia. And your nipples are swollen hard points. I know you’re aroused. You don’t have to fight it. It’s natural for you to feel aroused, Little one.”

I purse my lips and continue to face the wall, my eyes squeezed shut.

“I haven’t pricked your skin since we arrived either, Baby girl. I won’t force you to enjoy my touch, but I hope you can come around soon and stop fighting our bond. It’s not a fight you will win, Little one. Even the very first prick to your little finger when we met was enough to bind you to me for eternity.”

I flinch. Really?

“If I walked away and you never saw me again, you would always feel connected to me. As I would you. It would be frustrating and painful. Emotionally and physically. Neither of us would be able to focus if we were apart. That’s the nature of our species.”

I don’t respond. I can’t. My head is spinning. I know he’s right. I can feel it. But I’m still working on my mad. Sometimes I can’t remember what I’m mad about, but I know I’m supposed to be mad, so I am.

The probe beeps, and Papi eases it out. He moves to the end of the changing table to spread some kind of cream on my skin and then folds a fresh diaper around me.

I will admit—but only to myself—the material of the diapers is the softest thing I’ve ever felt. It’s softer than cotton balls. The diapers don’t pinch my skin anywhere either. They fit snuggly around me, and they’re so absorbent most of the time I don’t realize I’m wet until Papi squeezes between my legs.

When he’s done, he gently lifts me into his arms again. When I’m awake, he holds me a lot. It’s as if he can’t stand the idea of putting me down. Like a newborn baby. Which it would seem to him I am. A baby.

Secretly, I love the way he holds me. I love the feel of his chest against mine. I love when he bends over and kisses my temple, inhaling me deep into his lungs.

“Let’s get a bottle in you and then how about a bath?”

I finally look at him. “How are you going to give me a bath?” I shudder with fear. I could slip under the water and drown. I wouldn’t even be able to stop it from happening.

Suddenly, I panic and shake my head, shocked that I have so much control. “No bath, Papi.”

He frowns at me. We’ve reached the kitchen, and he opens the fridge to grab a bottle. “Whyever not, Baby girl? The water will feel good. Our water is so much nicer than the water on Earth. You’re going to love it.”

He sets the bottle on the counter and lifts one of my hands up into my line of sight. “Look how nice your skin is. I’ve been bathing you in Eleadian water for six months. Your skin is healthier. It won’t get dry or itchy here.”

I look at my hand. He’s right. It does feel nice. I’m bothered by the fact that he bathed me for six months without my knowledge, but that level of mad is unwarranted. “No bath, Papi,” I repeat.

“Baths are a necessary part of life, Baby girl. This is going to have to be one of those times I overrule.”

I frown at him and give him my best attempt at furrowed brows. “Too scary.”

He looks shocked. “Why is a bath scary, Little one?”

“I could slide under the water, and I wouldn’t be able to breathe.”

“Ah. Well, Papi won’t let that happen. I promise. I won’t even put enough water in the sink to be of danger if you’d like.”


He turns around and angles me so I can see a strange over-sized basin right in the kitchen. “That’s where Papi will bathe you, Little one.”

“It’s so far off the ground,” I point out.

“Yep. Just the right height for me to wash you without having to bend down.”

“Don’t you have a regular tub in the bathroom?”

He smiles as he grabs my bottle and heads for his favorite chair in the living room. “I don’t even have a regular bathroom, Little one. Not like you’re used to. We don’t have any sort of room like that for Little girls.”

“Where do you go to the bathroom then?”