Page 16 of His Little Garnet

I don’t like this idea at all, but I don’t say so.

He’s still holding the thick probe in me as he slides his other hand down to reach between my legs and fondle my clit. I gasp as he circles it and taps it several times. “I’ll be happy to pleasure you while we wait, Baby girl. Would you like that?”

I shake my head. “No. Please take it out,” I beg.

He circles my clit again. I know what he’s doing. He’s proving he can make me come while penetrating my bottom. I have no doubt. I just don’t want him to do it now. I’m still shaking from the previous orgasms, and I’m tired. And Surgient is watching.

Finally, it beeps and Papi eases it out of me.

I breathe out a sigh of relief as he hands the probe to Surgient and removes his glove. He lifts my hips, slides the pillow out from under me, and turns me onto my back once more.

“You’re doing so well, Baby girl. Spread your legs wide again for me. One more thing, and then I’ll feed you and let you nap.”

Surgient hands Papi another tube. I can’t tell what it is, but if it’s some kind of lube, I’m going to protest.

Papi puts on a new glove, takes the tube, and squeezes a large amount of ointment onto his fingers once again.

“What’s that?” I ask as he rubs it all around my pussy, covering everywhere, even down around my bottom.

“It’s going to remove your hair, Baby girl. Permanently.”

I flinch and nearly sit upright.

Surgient stops me by reaching across me to grab my good arm and hold me down. “Little girls don’t have pubic hair on our planet, Little one.”

It’s not like I had a lot of hair. It was nicely groomed with a triangle above my clit. I’m not fond of the idea of it being permanently gone. I’m panting. “Why?”

Papi pats my trembling inner thighs. He’s done applying the gel, but it’s still on me. “Pubic hair traps moisture, Baby girl. Plus, I want to be able to see your naked pussy.”

I grit my teeth and try to relax. It’s just hair. Besides, it’s done. I can’t stop this freight train. Do they even have freight trains on Eleadia? I have a billion questions swimming around in my mind.

Finally, Papi takes a warm cloth and wipes my pussy clean. He does this several times, moving my labia around in every direction. I assume he’s making sure he didn’t miss anything.

I’ve never felt so smooth and exposed. It’s odd and arousing and intense.

“How about I grab a bottle?” Surgient asks.

“I think that’s a good idea,” Papi tells him as he continues to inspect his work.

A bottle?

I’m trembling.

“You’re a bit dehydrated, Little one, and I bet you haven’t eaten in a while,” Surgient says as he comes back into my line of sight. He’s shaking a bottle. A baby bottle. With a nipple.

I purse my lips. They want me to drink from a bottle?

Surgient pats my naked tummy. “You’ll feel much better after you’ve been fed, Little one.” He brings the nipple to my lips, tapping it against my closed mouth. “The formula is just right for you. It will give you all the nutrients you need.” He glances at Papi. “I added an extra laxative to clear out her bowels.”

“Good.” Papi’s hands are on my thighs, holding me down, making me realize I’m squirming. “Open your mouth, Little one. It’s not optional. I don’t want to have to discipline you right now, but I will if you’re obstinate.”

A tear slides down my cheek. He intends to punish me?

Papi strokes my inner thighs with his thumbs, combining his promise of discipline with another promise of pleasure. It’s confusing. “My job is to make sure you’re healthy and happy, Little one. Always. If you fight me and refuse to do the things that keep you safe, I will spank your little bottom to correct your behavior. Do you want Papi to spank you now?”

I shake my head. My cheeks are so hot. I’ve never been more confused. Do I want him to spank me? I clench my butt cheeks again. His fingers are stroking closer and closer to my pussy, his thumbs parting my lower lips, making me want more. Making me wish he would actually spank my bottom.

Surgient taps my lips with the nipple again, and I open for him, my gaze on Papi’s. I can’t help but obey him.