Page 82 of Miss Chief


From the window of the plane I watched the ground get closer as we descended into San Francisco. The hour-and-a-half flight had been smooth and on time. Upon deplaning, I went straight to ground transportation and found my Uber waiting. This had to be an omen of good luck for the interview, right?

In the medical building downtown, I took the elevator up to the fifth floor with a sense of déjà vu. But the last time I’d been here, I’d been burdened by anxiety over taking a job so far away from my fiancé, not to mention worry over how my mother would react to the news. But this time around, none of those feelings arose. I had a fresh slate in front of me where all the choices were mine alone.

Upon entering, I smiled warmly at the receptionist who regarded me coolly.

Alrighty, then. “Hi, I’m Dr. Brooke Morrison here to see—”

“Dr. Loriano. Yes, I’m aware. I’ll let her know you’re here.”

Brr, the chill coming from the receptionist was downright frosty. But I didn’t let it spoil my mood. They couldn’t all become my best friend. “Thank you.”

My butt had hardly hit the seat when a familiar face poked her head out the patient reception door. She appeared the same as two years ago, with her dark hair pulled back, glasses, and friendly demeanor. “Dr. Morrison, nice to see you again. Come on back.”

“Nice to see you again too, Dr. Loriano.”

She was just as warm as I remembered. In her office, we sat at her small conference table where she told me about the practice she’d started with two other women and how it had grown over the years. By the end of the half hour, I felt like I’d nailed the interview. But most of all, I could see the value in having her as a mentor. I wanted this job even more than I had two years ago.

“Next up to speak with you is Dr. Smith, the other primary here. I don’t believe you had the opportunity to meet with her last time.”

“No, I sure didn’t. Looking forward to it and appreciate your time.”

“Yours as well.”

I was feeling good up until Dr. Smith walked in, her frown deep, her eyes on what appeared to be my résumé.

I stood up smiling. “Hello, it’s nice to meet you.”

She barely bothered to look up and definitely didn’t return the sentiment. “I’m told by Dr. Loriano you turned down this job a few years back.” She took a seat and placed her elbows on the table, steepling her fingers.

Okay, guess I’d sit down too. “Yes. Ultimately, I decided to work in my mother’s practice down in Orange County instead.”

“And why did you choose to leave there?”

“I wanted a change, and honestly, I always regretted not taking the opportunity up here.”

She leaned forward, the brittle smile not reaching her eyes. “As long as we’re being honest, let’s talk about why you actually left your mother’s practice.”

“Pardon?” My heart started to thud against my chest.

“I spoke with her yesterday. She indicated you’d been unprofessional, and quit on the spot leaving quite a few patients in a lurch.”

I opened my mouth and then closed it. It wouldn’t do me any favors to be overly defensive. “I gave sixty days’ notice, but she decided not to accept it.”

“That’s not what she said.”

My jaw hurt from grinding my molars. “Things didn’t end the way I would’ve wanted, but rest assured I’d never leave a job without notice.”

Whether she appreciated my explanation or not, she didn’t say. Instead, she launched into the rapid-fire interview questions looking non pleased with every answer I gave. As she bid me good day, I realized the whole thing had been tainted. Tainted with the lies of my mother.

I shot off a quick text to my headhunter, letting her know the interview bombed and to look into other opportunities. Although I had the job offer back in LA from Dr. Marshall’s practice, my disappointment over not being able to take the job here in SF made it clear the LA job had been my second choice.

A bitter taste settled in the back of my throat as I got into an Uber headed to the airport, and I dialed the one person I hoped to talk to about it.


He’d be able to cheer me up. Anticipating seeing him tonight lifted my mood, but the phone rang and rang before rolling to voicemail. I didn’t bother to leave one since my awful recap could wait until I went over to his place and saw him in person.