“I was entertaining the idea of friends with benefits.”
“Like a ‘deep dish, double cheese, double pepperoni pizza being delivered’ kind of benefits?”
His laughter sparked my own. “Absolutely.”
“I won’t get another reminder not to develop feelings?” Just because I could see myself with someone like Lucas long term didn’t mean I needed to be treated as thought I didn’t understand the limitations of this arrangement.
“Depends on whether I need to worry about it or not.”
“Maybe it’s me who needs to worry. How do I know you won’t go and fall in love with me?”
I expected him to laugh at the joke, but instead he went quiet. “I won’t fall in love with you, Brooke.” He sounded more resigned than panicked.
“Just as well. I’m terribly selfish when it comes to sharing my pizza.”
“Easily solved by bringing two pizzas.”
“That’s probably the sexiest thing you’ve ever said to me.”
“Good to know. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”
“See you soon.” Because I knew I had the time it would take him to fight traffic, get pizza, and drive here, I closed my eyes to rest for a few minutes.