Page 10 of Miss Chief

“Nice to meet you.”

“You too. I work as a nurse with Brooke and her mother.”

Interesting. “Then I bet you have all the good stories.”

She beamed. “Yes, delivering babies is never boring. Anyhow, sorry to stop you. I thought maybe Brooke twisted her ankle and was hurt. Hope you two have a good night.”

“You too, Leslie,” Brooke said before turning toward me with a sheepish grin.

“You didn’t want to tell me you’re a doctor?” First one I’d ever met not eager to throw out the title.

“And ruin the night by talking about medical school or swapping patient stories? Hard pass. Plus you just got done with a medical conference, so I’d bet you’ve had your fill.”

Boy, had I. “Fair enough. All right, up you go.” I lifted her back up, having missed the heat of her body pressed to mine.

“I’m certain I could walk the rest of the way.” Her protest was full of laughter.

“You could, but what kind of hero says, ‘You can walk your ass the rest of the way’?”

Her pretty face split in a grin. “Not my hero, that’s for sure.”

“Not to mention it’s the only surefire way to keep you from escaping.”

Her giggle was contagious especially since I knew what a shitty night she’d had earlier. Perhaps I did feel like a bit of the hero in being able to turn it around. But our laughter was cut short at the elevator bank when we came face to face with, of all people, judging from the way they were dressed, the bride and groom. They both stared at us.

Brooke muttered under her breath, “Jesus. Maybe we should’ve gone to my place.”

The bride narrowed her gaze on the drinks her sister held. “We paid over three hundred dollars a head for a reception, and you what? Bailed to get takeout.”

Brooke shrugged, balancing the shakes in one hand and reaching out to press the call button. “We made alternate plans.”

The groom appeared weirdly upset to see his ex in my arms. It wasn’t my business, but he didn’t exactly have any right to jealousy.

“As if it’s not bad enough having my brother and his stupid girlfriend skip the reception, you go and blow it off too?” The bride seethed as though she could imagine no possible reason her sister, the ex of her new husband, would possibly do so.

“I’m sensing a pattern,” Brooke fired back. “But Daisy and Caleb were smart enough to avoid having to endure this night at all.”

“It’s been months, Brooke. Time to get over it and be happy for us.”

We stepped into the elevator once it opened. As I hit the sixth-floor button, Brooke’s chuckle filled the small place. “As you can see, I’m plenty over it.”

I shot them a dopey smile, not knowing what else to do. “Congratulations?”

Once the doors shut, we both started to laugh. “Sellout,” she accused but without any bite to her words.

“I couldn’t help it. It was unbelievably uncomfortable.” It was a quick ride to the sixth floor. I stepped out and strode with her in my arms down the hall toward my room.

“It’s awkward as hell. Yet my entire family refuses to acknowledge the fact my sister’s new husband had his dick in both of us three months ago.”

It was a good thing I had no food in my mouth, otherwise I’d have choked. “Jesus.” There was an image.

She grinned while I opened the door with my key card. “You did have fair warning about my mental state.”

“This is true.” Just then the bride’s words hit me. Could be a simple coincidence, but I had to ask. “Who are Caleb and Daisy?”

“My much-smarter-than-me-not-to-attend-this-awful-event older brother and his delightful girlfriend.”

Tingles hit my neck as I set her down on her feet. I probed casually. “Is he a doctor too?”