Page 6 of Miss Chief

She cocked her head at my silence. “Sorry for the heavy question, Lucas. Don’t worry. I’m only the crazy girl who wants to have a good time tonight.”

Relief hit me about being on the same page. But before we changed the subject, I had to ask the burning question.

“How the hell did you end up at the wedding of your sister to your ex-fiancé?” My ex-wife had gone on to marry my ex-best friend, and you sure as hell wouldn’t have seen me as a guest. There wasn’t a road high enough. “You cool with them being together?”

“Um, no. It should be a rule if someone cheats on you, you no longer have to see their cheating face again. But my mother blackmailed me into attending.”

“Must’ve been a tough pill to swallow.”

She shrugged, going for her burger. “It was, but not for the reasons you think. Not sure when I fell out of love with Mike, but it happened long before the cheating. My pride hurts more than my heart. And now that I quit my job, I can leave the reception.”

“How is one related to the other?”

She took a moment to answer, taking a large bite of her burger first. “Oh, right, yeah, I work, or I should say worked, for my mother. She threatened my job if I didn’t attend the wedding.”

My eyes widened. “Wow, but you already attended, so why quit tonight?”

“She wanted me to take photos with the happy couple.”


“Yep. Johnnie finally gave me the courage to draw the line and quit.”

“Johnnie?” Then it dawned on me. “Ah, the Scotch. You’re really lending credibility to the crazy with your impulsivity tonight, aren’t you?”

She smirked. “I did warn you.”

“Tell me, what does a crazy girl do for work? Or did, in your case?”