Page 53 of Miss Chief

His heavy sigh filled the space. “I know, which is why I couldn’t ask.”

My first thought was it made no sense. Then I considered what a guy did when he feared intimacy and relationships, and someone got too close. He pulled away.

“Do you regret bringing me into the practice?” For the first time in my career, I’d felt empowered, following my own path and establishing my credibility independent of my family connections. If he was kicking himself for extending me this option, it would be a terrible blow.

“Not at all.” He glanced over as if to study my expression. “It was the teamwork thing you mentioned.”

I appreciated him admitting it. “I figured. The remark came from an innocent place, but the moment I said it, I knew it didn’t land right.”

We pulled into the hospital parking lot. As he killed the engine, he turned to look at me, but I was already opening my door. “Despite what happened that night, I don’t want a relationship.”

Seriously? This again? “Here’s the thing, Lucas. I don’t remember asking for one.”

I strode into the hospital without bothering to wait for him. I meant what I said. I wasn’t looking for something permanent in the midst of something temporary. I had three weeks remaining in this job, and I wasn’t about to sacrifice my future career choices for the sake of another ever again.

But right now, I couldn’t think about anything other than I had a job to do and a baby to deliver.

Meredith was already admitted and in a room with her husband by the time I arrived. “Hi,” I greeted as I walked in.

“Wow, you two look like you stepped out of a fashion magazine.”

I turned to see Lucas directly behind me.

Her mouth gaped. “Wait, did I interrupt a date?”

“No. We were at my brother’s engagement party. Long story short is we both know him and his fiancée.” Last thing I needed was for Lucas to start freaking out about assumptions again.

“Oh, God, I feel awful making you leave.”

“Don’t. The party was winding down, and my brother was probably five minutes behind me.” I started reading her vitals. “How far apart are your contractions?”

“Under three minutes.”

“Let’s do a quick exam.” I grabbed a gown and gloves while Lucas went to the other side of the room to give her privacy. “You’re dilated about eight centimeters. But—”

“But what?”

“Did the baby turn?”

“You don’t feel his head?”

“No. Let me get the sonogram machine.” Within minutes my hunch was confirmed. The baby was breach.

“We need to prep you for a C-section.”

She nodded. “Yeah. Okay. Shit. This baby isn’t doing what we need him to do, is he?”

“No, but C-sections are my specialty, and just focus on the spectacularly round head he’ll have.”

She chuckled, blowing out a long breath. We were both well aware of the risks of a C-section, but with a breach baby whose heart rate was elevated, there wasn’t a lot of choice. “All right. Let’s get this little guy out.”

The C-section went as planned, but since the baby was born early, the NICU whisked him off for extra care in case it was needed.

It was after midnight by the time I was ready to leave for home. Baby was in the NICU for observation, and momma was resting with her husband by her side. Everyone’s prognosis was good when I walked out the doors of the hospital. Instead of feeling tired, my adrenaline was up. Was there anything better than bringing a life into the world? I certainly didn’t think so.

Lucas walked out beside me, having stuck around to the happy end for his friends.

“I can see now why you chose to become an obstetrician. Bringing a life into the world has to be such a rush. And you’re damned good at it, Brooke.”