Page 50 of Miss Chief


It was a toss-up who was happier to see Daisy and Caleb return: me or Henry. Within minutes of their arrival, he was happily cooing in Daisy’s arms. She whisked him upstairs for bath time.

“Thanks again for babysitting,” Caleb said, wiping at a cushion on the sofa. I’d vacuumed, but there was no doubt dog hair might still be around.

“Anytime. Henry was wonderful. Congrats on the proposal.”

“Thanks. How were the dogs?”

“Good. They’ll go to Myrna’s neighbor, who’s prepared to pamper them. Hey, now that you’re engaged, what do you think about a party to celebrate? Tory and I would love to throw you guys one.”

Not surprisingly, he sighed at the thought of a social event. “Daisy would enjoy it a lot which means I’m supportive. But you’ll have to make it soon because we hope to tie the knot in the next few months.”


He shrugged. “Yeah, we’re adopting a baby, and when you know you’ve found the right person, you just know. No need to prolong the engagement.”

He hadn’t meant it as a dig at my long engagement, yet it landed anyhow.

“Shit. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean—”

I waved him off. “It’s okay, I know you didn’t. And you’re right. No need to postpone things when you’ve found your person. And you and Daisy are perfect together. I’ll need a list of people you’d like me to invite.”

“I’m happy to include anyone Daisy wants, but nobody in our family besides you.”

Fine by me, but I was curious. “You never said what the final straw was.”

His jaw clenched, and he glanced around to ensure his fiancée had left the room. “When I told our parents we were adopting, they informed me Henry didn’t count as their ‘real’ grandchild. Then our little sister called me in hysterics, accusing me of taking away her right to give our parents their first grandchild—as if this is all a conspiracy to one-up her.”

Jesus. “I knew they were all shitty, but that is a level beyond. Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”

“Because you were already in a crap position with Mom blackmailing you about your job. I didn’t want to add my drama to it. Daisy doesn’t know, and I’m too ashamed to ever tell her. Luckily, she supports my decision to be done with them forever. My family includes you, Daisy, and Henry.”

“Don’t forget Daisy’s parents, who adore you.”

He smiled at the mention of them. “They were so excited to come meet their new grandson with no hesitation to accept him as part of the family.”

“Of course not. You deserve this happiness, I hope you know.”

He went in for an unexpected hug. “Your happiness is out there too, Brookie.”

I melted at the childhood name he’d called me and hugged my big brother back. “Maybe it’s up in San Francisco?”

He pulled back, his brows raised. “Northern California, huh?”

“It was my original plan before Mom and Mike convinced me to practice in her office. Time to get back to it.” My headhunter had submitted my résumé to the Bay Area Women’s Clinic. Now I could only hope they’d still be interested and call.

The engagement partyfor Daisy and Caleb was held two weeks later on a Friday night. Tory and I had put together the guest list and hired a party planner for the rest. After work, I changed in the office, then grabbed an Uber so I could happily drink as much as I wanted tonight.

As I walked into the private room ten minutes before the event’s official start, I marveled at the tasteful decor with black tables and red walls. Coincidentally, the two colors complementing each other beautifully, represented Daisy, who was colorful, and Caleb, who was more subdued.

Daisy gasped walking in. “Ooh, the room is beautiful.”

“I was thinking the same thing. You are gorgeous in your red dress.” Daisy exuded beauty from the inside out. My brother was a lucky man. “Where’s Caleb?”

“Parking the car. You look beautiful too, by the way. The lighting in here makes your silver dress really bring out your eyes.”

“Thank you.” I’d be lying if I didn’t admit I’d spent extra time on my dress, makeup, and hair tonight knowing Lucas would be in attendance.

It had been two long weeks since I’d seen him, and it felt like withdrawal. I’d thought he’d at least call about Myrna’s funeral, but he hadn’t. It was a painful signal that our night two weeks ago on the couch with the baby and the dogs had meant nothing to him. Mere circumstance had brought us together. And the kiss, well, it hadn’t meant anything either.

It was stupid to have thought for one moment it would.

The party went into full swing a half hour later with more guests arriving. Although I’d privately vowed to act cool as a cucumber tonight, when Lucas walked in looking as if he could pass for a male model from GQ magazine, I knew I was in for a long evening.