Page 36 of Miss Chief


My eyes went wide at Lucas’ assumption. I was equally surprised by the insecurity underpinning his words. “I wasn’t thinking that at all.”

“Yeah, right.” His lips were tight, his forearms tense as he pressed the “on my way” button on the screen.

“I was unaware you’re a mind reader. Fine, then I’ll keep my actual thoughts to myself.”

After a long sigh, he grit out, “It’s okay. I’ve heard all the criticisms before. About how I’m Doc Hollywood for rich people, and I spend too much time with my patients. Get too invested in their personal lives.”

The way he was opening up was both surprising and sexy, particularly since I’d been certain he was cocky both on a personal and professional level.

“First, fuck those people who would say those things. If you ask me, they’re jealous. And second, the level of patient care you gave Christopher and Christina was unlike anything I’ve ever seen. Same with Myrna yesterday and all the pregnant women we’ve been seeing. They invite you into their home like you’re an old friend. You put everyone completely at ease when you examine them and speak with them about their health and any concerns they might have. You’d never in a million years get that in a sterile exam room. You don’t balk at taking vitals or other things most doctors find beneath them. But most of all, you listen. Truly listen and ask questions, showing you care about your patients’ lives as well as their health. You remember the little things which mean so much to them. I’ve been quiet because I’ve been absorbing the incredible difference in quality of care you offer, not because I’m judging you.”

He pulled the car over to the side of the road. After putting the vehicle in park, he turned his body to focus his attention on me. The intensity was palpable. Like a living, breathing thing swirling around us. My lips parted, my pulse raced, and suddenly I wanted his mouth on mine more than anything. “What are you doing?”

“Hell if I know.” He didn’t hesitate, pulling me in for a kiss. Jesus. Had it been this hot before? Ravaged. The word sprang to my mind as he pillaged my mouth, taking no mercy and showing no gentleness. Teeth, tongue, and lips clashed in an intense release.

I was ready to shed my clothes and ride him right here on the side of a busy street in broad daylight. When his lips left mine, I protested with a mewl, moaning when his mouth shifted to my neck. His hand came up to grasp my breast, kneading the flesh and dialing up my desire.

The sound of ringing penetrated my brain, but Lucas was the one to react, pulling away and grabbing his phone as though it had done something to offend him. His words were terse as he spoke to whoever was on the other end. Staring out the window, he didn’t spare a glance in my direction.

I inhaled a shaky breath at the abrupt withdrawal, trying in vain to get control over myself and what had just happened.

After disconnecting the call, he kept his gaze out the window and exhaled a long breath. “You need to understand this can’t happen again.”

My temper immediately spiked. “I need to understand? You kissed me.”

He leveled his gaze on me. “You didn’t exactly fail to participate.”

If fury had a face, it would be mine. “Don’t worry, Dr. Brennan, this little conversation has guaranteed no further participation from me.” Arrogant asshole, treating the situation as if I couldn’t keep my hands to myself, and he needed to lecture me.

“I didn’t intend—”

“How about you just drive?” I couldn’t listen to a lame apology. If annoyance served the purpose of cooling my desire for the man, then so be it. Frankly, I was equally irritated with myself for being so damn attracted to him.

With his temple throbbing and jaw clenched, he put the car back in gear and pulled back into traffic.

By the time we finished the day in the late afternoon, working straight through lunch, I had a raging headache and was more than ready to get away from Lucas Brennan. Especially after watching our last female patient unabashedly throw herself at him. At four months pregnant. Not that I thought he’d sleep with a patient, but I didn’t care to watch the blatant flirting.

As soon as we pulled into the parking lot, I was out of the passenger door, gulping in air as if it had been difficult to breathe when in his presence.

“Wait,” he called out.

In any other scenario, I’d keep walking. But given he was a coworker, I had no choice but to stop and turn. “What?”

He got out and sighed heavily. “If you don’t want me coming over to your brother and Daisy’s house for dinner tonight, I understand.”

I’d completely forgotten. So much for escaping him entirely. But I couldn’t be the reason he’d cancel. “Of course you should still come. They’d be disappointed if you weren’t there.”

A smile ghosted his lips, the type making me forget why I was annoyed with him if I stared at it too long. “Okay. Guess I’ll see you later.”

The less I was around Lucas, the better. Which is why I went straight home to Caleb and Daisy’s place and set the stage for skipping dinner.

“You won’t be here?” Daisy’s disappointment laced her words and caused guilt to weigh heavily on my shoulders.

“Afraid not. I need to get back down to my condo tonight and grab more of my things. Plus my best friend is moving, and I promised to help her pack.” The last part was stretching the truth, but it would be nice to see Addy before she moved to Vegas.

“I could reschedule,” Daisy offered even though she was already seasoning the steaks they planned to barbeque tonight.