Page 13 of Miss Chief


I’d always been a light sleeper, conditioned by the years of on-call hours and early morning deliveries. Babies came on their own time, which meant I was always prepared for a call from the hospital.

Quietly, I eased from the hotel bed and gathered up my clothing, all the while reveling in how sore my body was from such an incredible evening. One I’d never forget.

In the early morning light, Lucas looked sexier than ever with the stubble on a face, relaxed in slumber. It was a shame to sneak out, yet I’d no doubt I should. This had been a one-night stand. He’d go back to wherever he’d come from, and as for me—? Well, over the next few days I had to figure out my next career move.

Although it was scary to have quit my job without another prospect, I was also exhilarated about making the next decision all on my own. After my residency, I’d been offered a job in a prestigious women’s clinic in San Francisco. At the time, both Mike and my mother had ganged up on me and insisted I move to Newport Beach and work with her instead. In hindsight I could see my ex-fiancé had simply prioritized his job offer over mine. I’d been the one to compromise so we could stay together. My mother, of course, had orchestrated her own agenda. She’d wanted control.

Never again. My decisions were my own to make now, without guilt, without pressure, and with no one’s agenda but my own. I would never again sacrifice my personal happiness for anyone else’s wishes.

After slipping on my bra, I searched around for my thong but couldn’t find it. If I searched the bed, I took the chance of waking Lucas. Dismissing my underwear as a lost cause, I slipped on my dress, picked up my shoes and clutch, and tiptoed toward the door.

There I paused with my hand on the handle and allowed myself one last glance at Lucas’ handsome form. Damn. The sex had been incredible, and now I’d never see him again.

As soon as I stepped into the hallway and quietly shut the door, I was overwhelmed with a feeling of emptiness. Perhaps I wasn’t cut out for the one-night stand, after all.

But I was never one to dwell on regret. I squared my shoulders, slipped on my shoes, and made my way out of the hotel to my car, relieved I met no one on the way who’d been connected to my sister’s wedding.

The drive to my condo was a short one. Upon arriving, I went straight into the shower, where I willed myself not to picture how great a morning tryst with Lucas would’ve been.

Damn. I didn’t want to think about a man I’d never see again. So what if he’d been the best sex of my life? So what if he’d made me laugh, and I’d felt a connection with him? I didn’t even know his last name. And even if I did and could look him up, it would be a mistake. While I was a novice at the one-night-stand gig, it was obvious Lucas was not.

Since it was a Sunday, and I wasn’t on call this weekend, I took a nap, waking about noon to a pounding on my door. I half expected it to be my mother after last night’s debacle, however, she wasn’t the type to come by my place or pound on anyone’s door. Instead, my smile went wide at the sight of my best friend through the peephole.

When I opened the door, she didn’t hold back her annoyance. “I’ve called you at least a dozen times this morning.”

Addison Wheeler was barely five foot something, but when she was angry, watch out.

“I’m sorry. I was sleeping.”

She put her hands on her hips, blowing her black bangs out of her face. She’d done blue tips with the ebony tresses last month, which was my favorite. Although I’d liked the pink too. She was constantly changing her hair, calling the different styles and colors an extension of her artistic soul. “It’s past noon.”

“It was a late night.” I yawned for effect as I let her in.

She went directly into my kitchen and placed a paper bag on my counter. “Late night drowning your pride in booze alone, or what?”

“Or what.” My grin gave me away.

Her eyes went wide. “Shut up. Here I thought you’d be miserable yesterday with the wedding and having to deal with your prick of an ex and bitchy sister, but—”

“I was miserable for ninety percent of the day and night. And, oh, what’s in the bag?” My stomach growled, anticipating what she’d brought over. Some friends bonded over books. Others, their love of travel or television shows. Addy and I bonded over food. And not the good-for-you, healthy kind.

“Nacho fixings, of course.”

It was our thing. After my breakup, Addison had come over with a similar bag and stayed over, a completely loyal friend. She truly was my ride or die. “You’re the best. Oh, and I have something to tell you.” I opened my refrigerator to snag a Diet Coke for her and another for myself.

While I grabbed the drinks, she took ingredients out of the magical bag to include chips, cheese, chopped chicken, sour cream, salsa, and of course, the avocado. “Your mystery guy from last night have a hot brother by chance who’s into vertically challenged curvy girls?”

“No. I mean I don’t know.” Lucas could be one of ten kids for all I knew. “Never mind about him for a moment, I have bigger news.” No offense to Lucas, but I had more pressing matters on my mind.


“I quit my job last night. And I realize it sounds rash, but I’m tired of having my career held hostage for my mother’s personal agenda.” I relayed my mother’s ultimatum leading to my impromptu resignation.

Considering Addison and I had worked together for the last two years, I expected her to be upset, but instead she squealed in delight. “I’m thrilled for you. It’s about time. God, I would’ve given anything to see the ice queen’s face.”

The ice queen was what the reception staff called my mother. It was a name well-earned since she thought anyone who didn’t hold the title of doctor was beneath her. “It was quite the shock for her. But I did give her sixty days’ notice so I can transition my patients.”