Page 49 of Keeping My Bride

But when it comes to Verona, I just can’t make sense of it all. And believe me, I have tried.

There’s a missing piece of the puzzle when it comes to her. And just when I think I have the last piece I need, I realize it doesn’t fit and that I have to start the whole thing all over again. It’s infuriating, to say the least.

I want to understand her. I want to know what makes her tick. And ultimately, I want to use it against her.

I’ve always known my biggest foes greatest weaknesses and then used that knowledge in the best most possible way against them.

Could it be that I’ve been wrong about Verona this whole time?

No, I tell myself. Impossible. I’m never wrong about anyone.

But in the back of my mind I can’t help but think that there’s always a first time for everything.