Page 55 of Layla

“Now, this conversation sounds interesting,” a deep voice said behind me. When Cyn just gaped at him, her cheeks turning dark red, I turned around to see who it was. Kapono. “Please, don’t let me stop you.”

Another voice spoke from Sayla’s direction, and when I turned back, Roque was now standing behind her. Where had they come from? They moved like freaking ghost ninjas.

“I was enjoying the conversation, too. What do you think, Sayla?”

My friend stayed silent and didn’t turn around, and I gave her a mental high five for her strength.

“Sayla?” he pressed, staring at the back of her head like he was willing her to turn around.

Instead, she stretched her legs out in front of her and hummed, “Hmm?”

Crouching down behind her, he leaned in until his lips were next to her ear. “What did you think of what Cyn was saying?”

She turned her head only slightly and gave him a bored look. “That it was a private conversation that didn’t involve you.”

Well, hell!

Cyn kept her attention off Kapono, but I could see both women were close to cracking, they were that tense.

“Hey, are we still going out on Friday?”

I’d booked a week off for my birthday ages ago, and I was starting it with a night out with the girls. Last weeks had been canceled due to Wick having a heavy cold, so celebrating both mine and Cyn’s birthdays at the same time seemed like a great idea.

We also didn’t have the night out planned for Friday, it was on Saturday, but I was hoping to distract the guys, and if they planned to turn up, we wouldn’t be there. I could be a good friend. If they wanted the guys to come, they could correct me and say where we were going.

Sometimes, I was so brilliant I scared myself.

Neither of them corrected me, though. Curses!

Sayla got up slowly and stretched. “I’m looking forward to it. What about you, Cyn?”

My other friend got up and then helped me up, too. “Yep. It’ll be a blast.”

I’d just turned to pick up my phone, so I saw Kapono frown at her. “What about Wick? Who’s looking after him?”

“Ah, he’ll be five in just under five months. I’m sure he can look after himself if I leave some food and water out for him.” Smiling at us, she waved her hand.

“I’ll catch you all later and then see you again….” She stopped and looked at her watch, which she’d been holding this whole time. “Today’s Friday, duh! Well, I’ll go home, do adult stuff like shower and get ready, then I’ll see you tonight. Later, gators!”

Kapono twisted to watch her as she walked away. “One of these days, I’m going to spank her ass.”

I burst out laughing and patted him on the back. “Good luck with that one. Cyn was telling us how she has a pair of shoes with spikes on the toe that she wasn’t afraid to use on someone.”

“Sounds like a threat to me, Kapono. What about you?” Roque murmured, getting a nod of confirmation from his colleague. “Might want to go and check them out and warn her about the consequences of assaulting someone.”

Sayla spun around and pointed her finger in his face. “You’re a big fat bully. Leave her alone.”

Roque looked from the finger to her face. “Wanna get that digit out my face, babe?”

“Wanna get out of my personal space, babe?” she shot back sarcastically.

Maybe I should bring popcorn to the gym with me in the future?

Instead of backing up, he leaned in farther until his nose was about two inches away from Sayla’s face. “One of these days, baby, you and me are going to sit down and talk.”

Her lip curled, but she kept eye contact with him. “Nah, never going to happen. I hope you and my neighbor are happy together, though. Thankfully, the neighbor at my new place is hot and male, so you keep doing your thing, I’ll keep doing mine.”

His eye twitched slightly. “Your new place?”