Page 88 of Layla

“Stairway To Heaven?”

He scoffed. “When have I ever sung that to you?”

“You used to sing it in the car all the time,” I pointed out. By this point, they’d started playing the song, and I squealed when I recognized it immediately. “I love it!”

“Just so you know, this is our wedding song,” he warned me.

Can I just say I was in total agreement? Shine On You Crazy Diamond was the perfect song for us. Roy Orbison may be my numero uno, but we needed a song that was us, and this suited the brief perfectly.

Pulling me closer, he leaned down to kiss me…

“Leave space for Jesus, kids,” Gramps snapped, squeezing his arms between us and pushing our torsos farther apart. When we both stared at him like he’d gone nuts, he smiled sheepishly. “Sorry, force of habit.”