Page 74 of Layla

“Of fucking course we get caught outside this shop,” I muttered to her as we both turned around to see who it was.

My smile grew, whereas hers dropped off her face when we saw Kapono walking toward us. Ah, what were the chances of him catching us here?

“Hey, is it girls' lunch day?”

I kept my eyes off Lexie’s sexy shop.

“We’ll be eating,” I hedged, again not wanting to lie to a police officer but not wanting him to know my personal business.

Kapono frowned at Cyn, who’d pasted a smile on her face again that looked as fake as Barbie’s boobs.

“You okay, Cyn?”

“Peachy. How are you, Officer?”


“I’m doing well,” he said slowly, looking her over carefully. “What’s going on?”

Cyn grabbed my arm and tugged me into her side. “Nothing at all, Officer Ortiz. Isn’t it beautiful weather we’re having? I checked my phone this morning, and it’s brass monkey weather in the UK again.”

Both of us looked up at the sky, heavy with rain clouds.

“Cool it,” I whispered as he looked around where we were standing for something.

“I’m trying,” she hissed.

When his eyes turned back to us, they narrowed accusingly. “Something’s up. What’s going on, Cynthia, and don’t tell me nothing.”

“Is there something wrong with two women going to a shop to buy some lingerie? Some knickers to wear like a majority of women do? I mean, more power to you if you can let your minge be free, but I personally like the security underwear gives me.

“And don’t get me started on bras. We love and hate them, but if you don’t wear one or get the size right, bloody hell, man, it’s hell on earth. Your tit could pop out and give some poor old geezer a heart attack, or you get that chunk of under boob hanging out. Trés unattractive, don’t you think?”

I stared at her with my mouth open and then checked on Kapono’s reaction seeing him standing, almost frozen in place.

Finally, he cracked his neck and snapped out of it. “Pardon?”

“Knickers and booby holders.” She pointed at Lexie’s. “Why else would we be in front of a lingerie store, Officer?”

He followed where she was pointing, then looked back at her with a scowl. “Since when do you call me officer?”

“You’re a man with a badge.” She gestured at the badge on his hip. “I’m being polite and respectful.”

Taking a step closer, he leaned into her. “Cynthia, you know what’ll happen if you push me. Now quit trying to rile me up.”

I jumped in to help her. “No, we really are going in there. I wanted to get some new… uh….”

“Knickers?” Cyn suggested helpfully.

“Right, knickers to wear. All of mine are old with holes and stuff in them.” I blushed as soon as it came out. My underwear was definitely not old and holey, so I didn’t have the first clue why I’d told him that.

“She wants those garter thingies you attach lacy stockings to as well,” Cyn added. “I wonder if they have those bras that sit under your tatas and push them up like a buffet?”

Just as he opened his mouth, his radio squawked, and their dispatch sent out a weird message that likely could be interpreted by aliens, but not the common folk of the world. Did that make Mark an alien?

“I’ve got to go,” he muttered as he fished his car keys out of his pocket. “Enjoy your shopping, ladies.” As he passed us, he leaned in and whispered something in Cyn’s ear that made her stiffen up.

Then, with a wink, he walked to his car and got in.