Page 70 of Layla

Unwilling to be around for more of the insanity, both Jack and Hurst followed behind him.

“We’ll get her some Gatorade while we’re out,” Jack offered, glancing quickly at her like he was afraid to make prolonged eye contact with Layla.

Rolling my eyes, I took her up the stairs and into her bedroom. As soon as her feet slid to the floor, she smiled widely up at me.

“I love you, hubbubala. And I love your penis, too. They just don’t make penises like yours in the stores.”

What the hell was I meant to say to that?

It turns out the answer to that was nothing because she suddenly dropped to her knees on the floor and tugged down the waistband of the sweatpants I’d changed into after work.

“Layla, we don—” I cut off on a gasp as she wrapped her hand firmly around my cock. “Jesus.”


Glancing down, I saw her staring at it and licking her lips. Before I could stop her, she swooped forward and took a third of it into her mouth, sucking hard the second she had it in there.

She’d caught me just as we came into her bedroom, so the door was still slightly open, and if her dad or brother came back, they’d be able to hear everything. That issue was fixed as my arm snapped out to grab onto the wall to balance me, hitting the door in the process and closing it.


“Mmhmm,” she murmured around it, the vibrations from her mouth making my eyes cross.

Using her hand to work in tandem with her mouth, she took more of me, withdrew to the tip, and did it all over again. Opening my eyes, I blindly stared at her bed, wondering how quickly I could get her on it and naked, when I blinked and saw the package of antibiotics she was taking.

“Layla, honey, when you’re better we’ll do this.”

She sucked harder, her hand tightening around the base as she glared up at me.

“I promise. I’ll spend all day naked with you, eat y— Oh, shit!”

The crazy bitch was gripping me even tighter now because I’d moved my hips slightly away from her as I tried to pull out of her mouth.

“Baby, that’s attached to my body. You’ve got to let go.”

“But I want it,” she pouted, looking up at me like some sort of weird Lolita gone wrong with her hair like it was. I didn’t even want to think about the poor SpongeBob pajamas. Some things that poor sponge shouldn’t see, and this counted as one of them.

“I swear, as soon as you feel better, we’ll finish this, Layla.” Seeing I was getting through to her, I added, “But you need to sleep for that to happen.”

Finally, she nodded and pulled away, allowing me to put my dick away to keep him out of harm's way.

And then I watched in disbelief as she bunny hopped over to her bed and crawled under the comforter, falling asleep the second she got into place.

The prospect of a lifetime of this might scare some people, but for me, it sounded like the best way to spend my life.