Page 54 of Layla

I hated pointing out what I was about to, but this didn’t make sense.

“Honey, you’ve seen him on dates before.”

“Not with my neighbor, I haven’t. And then, to make matters worse, he dropped her off at her house and went inside it.”

“That little toss pot, wanking, bell end,” Cyn hissed. “Did he spend the night?”

Sayla was practically curling in on herself. “I don’t know. I was walking up the path to my front door when he shut the door to her place.”

“Does he know you saw it?” I asked gently.

“Well, he shot me a smug smile and a wink, so I’d hazard a guess that he does indeed know I saw it.”

Given that she’d been in love with Roque for years, that had to hurt badly. The question was: did Roque even know she had a crush on him?

Evie had told me once that at the beginning, it’d been a bit obvious because she’d either freeze up or blush when he was around, but after a while, she’d perfected the ice princess façade when he was around, so maybe he didn’t? I hadn’t even been able to guess until I’d seen her when he’d walked past us with a date while we were at the bar one night.

“Babe, I’ve got a pair of shoes with spikes on the toe.”

When we both looked at Cyn like she was a psycho, she glared at us. “Don’t look at me like that—they’re pretty, and they were a gift. I can’t remember what designer did them, but so long as I don’t accidentally kick someone or stub my toe, I figure it’s okay to wear them.”

She leaned in closer. “But if I kicked someone on purpose, I’d make sure it counted.” She finished her threat with a wink.

A bark of laughter burst out of Sayla. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

Cyn looked satisfied with that response. “Do that.”

“So, what are you going to do about it? What if he starts dating her seriously?” I asked her, hating the thought of her being in that situation.

Straightening her spine, she breathed out like she was centering herself. Once she was where she wanted to be, she smiled tightly.

“Well, I’m only renting just now, so I went to the realtor guy this morning and asked him to find me a place to buy. I’ve been saving like crazy for a down payment, and I’m tired of it not gaining much interest in the bank, so investing it in a house of my own seems like a good plan.”

“Atta girl. Don’t let him control what you do, but you’re right to get away from him.” Cyn gave her a one-armed hug but looked pained once she realized what she’d done. “Apologies, I forgot I was a sweaty whorebag for a moment there.”

The stuff that came out of this woman’s mouth was just priceless.

I was intrigued by what Sayla had just told us. “Has the realtor said they’ve got anything available?”

She grinned at me. “Indeed he does, and guess where one of them is?”

I raised my eyebrows. It couldn’t be near my house because there weren’t any empty properties on our land. Unless they’d decided to sell her the land to build on, but would she need a realtor for that?

When I didn’t say anything, she rolled her eyes. “Two houses away from yours.”

I tilted my head. “They sold you land to build on? Why didn’t they tell us? This is awesome.”

She looked confused for a moment but then started laughing. “No, not that house, the one Mark bought for you. So long as you don’t have any wild orgies, we can lend each other cups of sugar.”

“Oh,” Cyn sighed, “that’s a good boundary to establish this early. You don’t want to borrow sugar if orgies or shit are happening in a house. You never know if it’s been played with or involved in dick dipping or something.”

Both Sayla and I stared at her.

Cyn looked between us. “What?”

“Dick dipping?” I choked out. “What the hell is that?”

She got up onto her knees and motioned with her pelvis like she was pushing it toward something. “You know, like when you have one of those lollipop and sherbet dipping bags. You suck on the lolly and—”