“Stephanie Browne was supposed to be ours,” I murmur. “I went to the club that night to mark her for Cerberus. That’s why I found her.”
Jack nods. “That explains why you were there that night. I can only imagine that Cerberus is feeling the heat from Hades for all these souls getting loose.”
I didn’t think of it like that. “Probably.”
“Now that Ammit has had a taste of innocent souls, I’m concerned with what that means for us. I need to get her back to the hall before it’s too late.” He finally pulls away, dropping his hands to his sides. “Unless it’s already too late for her.”
My fingers continue to worry the fabric with anxiousness as I look up at him. “You had a chance to get her.” His eyes meet mine, but he doesn’t say anything. “When she attacked me,” I clarify. “You stopped her, ripped her off me.” My stomach bottoms out when he continues to hold my gaze without remorse. “That’s why you hesitated. That was your chance to grab her. Why didn’t you?”
“You were bleeding. Terrified. Did you really think I would leave you?” Again, his hand raises so his fingertips can trace over my cheek. “As if I could?”
I shudder at his tone but force myself to jerk my cheek away from his touch. I can’t fall for this. I can’t let myself slip into this being, this god. My head has to stay clear and focused for Taylor. “Don’t.” My voice is softer than I like. “This is all too much for me to handle. I thought you were missing, then assumed you were a murderer, and now I find out you’re Anubis? I can’t deal with this.”
Jack lets me shove past him but turns to watch me as I head to the living room to put my shoes on. “I know it’s a lot.”
“A lot?” I laugh humorlessly. “No, a lot was when we got our first male victim, and I thought you were next since you had vanished. This is extreme. This is too much.” I finally locate my keys and snatch them off the coffee table. “I’m getting Taylor back from your fellow god, and then I’m going to raise hell. If Ammit ki—” My voice cracks on the word so I change it. “If she hurts Taylor, you’re next on my list, god or not.”
I feel Jack at my back as I stalk out of the apartment with a limp. “That’s fine,” he says in a quiet tone. “I’m going with you, so I’ll be within reaching distance of your wrath.”
Shoving the key in the lock, I turn the tumbler then yank the key back out. “Fine.” I bite out and storm past him towards the stairs. “I’ll take a page from your book and use you to get Taylor back.”
My only response is a soft sigh and following footsteps.