He scoffs and follows me as we step away from the scene, letting the techs do their jobs. “That’s not a no.”
I scowl at him. “Can you let it go?”
“This is why you don’t date your coworkers. This right here.” When I spin around to face him, his brows are raised expectantly. “Tell me otherwise. Tell me you two didn’t get into a fight. Give me another reason as to why he’s not here.”
I put my hands on my hips, defensiveness bubbling up inside me for his shitty image of Jack. I may be angry at him and concerned for his safety, but he doesn’t deserve to be talked about like this. “Don’t talk about him like that. Do you think Jack would really abandon his duties because of a fight? That he would ignore a call about our case because of something so damn trivial? Like, really Scott? If you think so low of him, you probably shouldn’t have hired him.”
Scott’s sudden grin throws me off. “Wow, you must really like him if you’re defending him. Do I hear mating vows?”
I toss my hands up in exasperation. “Go snort some fucking catnip!” I snap. With a huff at his snicker, I turn and stomp towards my truck. When I get to my beautiful beast, I pull off my holster and put it back in the center console before sliding into my driver’s seat and letting my head fall back against the headrest.
Fucking men. Maybe I need to start sleeping with women again.
The thought disappears as quickly as it comes. Jack, like Taylor, has burrowed himself under my skin, and part of me hates it. I question this connection we seem to have over and over again. Is it because we’re both from the underworld? Or am I only finding something in him simply because he can give me something I’ve been denied for a decade?
With a heavy sigh, I pull out my phone again and try calling him. When he doesn’t answer, worry curves my lips down in a frown. A cramp twists my stomach when I’m reminded of Taylor once again.
Again, Jack, like Taylor, is missing.
Without Scott here to act as a buffer against my panic, it hits me like a tidal wave crashing against the shore. I press a hand to my chest, feeling my heart pounding in protest. Now that we have a male victim, all I can think about is how Jack isn’t here with me. How he didn’t answer Scott’s call and isn’t taking mine. How it’s very concerning and suspicious that both people I care about are missing from my life while there’s a murder running around. It’s hard not to find it personal.
I don’t know if I can handle both of them disappearing on me.
I hang up when the call goes to voicemail and quickly type out a text to him. At least let me know if you’re okay. I bite my lip and tack on two more words. In person. Not letting myself second guess it, I hit send and drop the phone into my cupholder.
There’s no way I’m going back to sleep tonight, so when I throw my truck in gear, I head straight to McDonalds to get some cheap ass coffee and fries. Unless breakfast is served this early, then maybe one of those biscuit sandwiches. Either way, I plan on staying up to work on the case so I can be both productive and distracted.
Mostly distracted.