“Absolutely not,” He sniffs and flops back down into the chair. There’s a moment of silence between us, but then he asks the question I knew was coming. “Was it that horrible?”
“Yes,” I whisper as I look at him. “It was all centered around my choices and I think that’s what made it so much worse. If it had been some random person, I don’t think it would have hit me so hard.”
Scott crosses his arms over his chest again. “Like I said, I listened to the recording on the phone.” He pulls Jack’s phone out of his pocket. “I found this where you and Taylor had been in the kitchen. I went through it looking for answers.”
I try to swallow the dry lump in my throat. “That’s Jack’s phone.”
“Oh, I know. It became apparent when I was going through the pictures.”
Scott gives me a pointed look, but I have no idea what it could mean. “So, the recording worked?” I ask.
“In telling me what happened? Yes. I’m still trying to wrap my mind around the fact that gods can freely walk among us. I mean, it shouldn’t come as a surprise to us monsters, but the humans on the other hand…” He scratches at the stubble on his chin. “That’s ultimately the problem, I suppose.”
I frown. “I don’t think they can freely walk among us. Shezmu escaped.”
Scott lifts a brow at me. “What about Anubis and Cerberus?”
I shake my head. He had me there. “I’m not sure, but I think that there are rules they have to abide by.”
“Either way,” he starts. “How do you think the humans are going to handle that? Half of them still can’t stomach the fact that monsters are real and live among them. What are they going to do about gods?” He doesn’t wait for me to answer. “They’ll panic. It’ll be worse than the riots that broke out with the Monster Movement, Dalton. Everyone’s religion will rebel. Think about Christianity and Catholicism. They reject any other god, so what do you think will happen when they find out there are many gods for all different realms?”
I bite at my chapped bottom lip. “It’ll be bad,” I agree. “I knew it was going to be an issue when we found out who was behind everything, but Jack insisted on giving the recording to you so that you knew what happened.”
Scott gives me a look too close to pity for my liking before continuing. “I appreciate knowing the truth no matter how messed up it is. We’ll have to spin the story and push the blame onto someone else. The Lord of Las Vegas owes us a favor for her vampire losing control.” At my affronted look, he scoffs at me. “Gods Val, we aren’t going to kill one of her vamps, but we’ll have her come forward and confirm it was one of her people who did it. At least it will put the public at ease knowing the murderer is dead.”
“Or whatever Jack is going to do to him,” I mumble.
“You mean Anubis?” Scott corrects softly.
Why does everyone have to keep correcting me? Why can’t he stay my Jack for a little while longer? I don’t want the good memories I have of him tarnished. They’re already wilting under his abandonment and lies.
He pushes on when I stay quiet. “To think I had Anubis and one of Cerberus’ hellhounds working for me.”
I startle and look at him, but he places the phone on the mattress next to my leg. “Oh, the recording,” I mutter lamely. I stare at Jack’s phone but don’t make a move to grab it. “Do you still want that hellhound working for you? Now that you know what she is? What she caused?” I ask quietly, almost scared of his answer.
“That depends.” When I tear my eyes from the phone to look at him, he nods at the machines I’m hooked up to. “Is this going to be a problem? Your drinking?”
I shake my head. “No, this won’t happen again, Scott. I promise.”
His face grows serious once again. “What about here?” He taps his temple. “You went through a lot. If drinking was your way to escape what happened, then your trauma may try to manifest in different ways.” He sighs at my guarded expression. “Look, I know it’s not easy to admit you need help, but I really think you should try to talk to someone. You need to get out what happened.”
Who in the world could I possibly tell what happened without censoring the fact that gods were involved? Still, I can’t bear to let him down. “I’ll think about it.”
“Good.” He nods in approval then stands. “Because not knowing for three days what was going to happen to you aged the human in me.”
Three days? “That’s how long I was out?” I ask in disbelief. “Three days?”
“Yep. Between you and Taylor, my tiger is going to grow grey stripes.” He must have seen the color blanch from my face, or maybe it was the tightness in my shoulders, because his face turns into a mask of pity again. “If you weren’t going to ask about her, I was going to bring her up.”
“S-she-” I fist the thin blanket in my hands so hard a knuckle cracks. I’m saved from having to find my words when his head cocks to the side, ear tilted towards the entrance. A smile curls up his lips as he heads to the door and pulls it open.
Standing there in worn jeans and a cream sweater is my best friend. Her neck is covered in bandages, but there’s no blood to be found. With her werewolf healing, most of the bruises have faded and her cheeks have filled back out. She looks freshly showered, blonde hair slightly damp and curling. She looks vibrant and clean and so alive that tears are filling my eyes.
Taylor is alive.
I make a pitiful whine and let the tears fall again. Gods, I’m so tired of crying, but these are new and welcomed. These are relieved, happy tears. I bury my face in my hands as a wail escapes me, embarrassed at the outburst but not able to stop it. Nor do I really care to.