Page 44 of Marked

My stomach clenches. “And you haven’t heard from her since?” I ask.

His breath hitches a bit. “No.”

I’m trying not to panic, but the fluttering feeling begins to creep up from my stomach to settle in my chest. “I’ll let you know if I see her at work. If not, we’ll go from there. I’ll make sure to let everyone know and tell our lieutenant as well. We’ll have everyone looking for her.”

“Our alpha is also going to contact the nearby pack alphas if she doesn’t show by tonight,” his voice lowers as he continues. “I’m scared, Val. This isn’t like her.”

“No,” I agree quietly. “It’s not. Still, we can’t assume the worst. We have to stay positive.” I tell him this, but my mind can only see the pictures of headless bodies stuck to my office whiteboard.

“Will you please text me when you get to work and let me know?” he asks.

“Of course, Bryan. I’ll go straight to the lab first, I promise,” I say, trying to keep my face neutral as Jack walks over to me.

“Thank you,” he replies before hanging up.

I pull the phone from my ear, but keep it clutched tightly in my hand. Looking at Jack, I keep my tone flat. “Taylor is missing.”

Jack’s brow furrows for a moment as he takes in this information. “That was her fiancé?”

“Intended mate.” I correct robotically. When he reaches for me, I skitter away. “Don’t,” I warn. It comes out as a hiss and I can see the small flash of confusion in his eyes, but I know damn well that if he tries to comfort me right now, I’ll succumb to my panic.

He rakes that hand through his hair instead, not pushing me. “You know I will do what I can to help you find her.”

“I know,” I state and straighten my spine to hide behind my bitch persona, using it as a shield. “We should get ready for work.”

He nods once, but I can see the uncertainty there. “Alright.”

The drive to work is awkward and I’m entirely aware that it’s my fault. I built up a wall to keep the panic in and accidentally succeeded in keeping Jack out. Even when I saw the hickey on the hollow of my throat, I simply pulled on a turtleneck sweater instead of commenting on it.

Guilt finally brings out my words. “It’s not you.” I can feel him look at me even though I’m turned from him, eyes staring out the windshield as my hand dangles out the window, cigarette between my fingers.

“I know,” he says quietly.

“I’m trying to be strong,” I murmur.

His voice softens further. “I know.”

“If I let you comfort me, I’m going to break down. I’m going to break,” I whisper, breath fogging up the window.

“I know,” Jack repeats for the third time without judgement. “If it comes to that, I’ll be here for you. I’ll put you back together.”

Those words alone make my eyes water, but I bite my lip harshly in reprimand. No. No crying. Taylor is fine. She’s the bubbly to my cynical. She has to be fine.

I rub at my nose as we pull into the parking lot of the station. I get out of Jack’s car and stub out my cigarette as I wait for him to grab a fresh button-up from the back seat. He pulls it on over the plain tee he found in his car this morning and buttons it up to right below his throat. He shoots me a reassuring smile before gesturing to the building.

My eyes scan the parking lot for Taylor’s car, but it’s not in its usual spot. Still, I search for the blue bug with no luck. Trying to stay positive, I walk in through the front doors with Jack, dropping my cigarette butt in the trash as I do. He leads our way through the access door and to the elevator. I’m biting on my bottom lip the entire way up. It’s only a floor up, but it feels like it takes hours to get there.

I all but sprint down the left hall once the elevator doors open. I dodge two people in lab coats before rushing through the door. Speeding my way towards Tay’s cubicle, I tell myself she’s there over and over again.

Except, when I do reach her station, it’s empty.

A whine threatens to climb out from the back of my throat at the empty chair. I whirl towards the cubicle next to hers and hone-in on her coworker. “Have you seen Taylor?”

The girl has the fucking nerve to blink at me. “Who?”

“Who?” I snap incredulously. “Taylor! Your coworker that sits right here every fucking day? Ring any fucking bells?”

She ducks her head. “I-I’m new,” she squeaks out. “It’s only my second day.”