Page 66 of Doctor of the Bay



I lay down on the back seat of Dad’s station wagon as he takes off at lightning speed. We barely packed. All three of us sit in silence. I’m nursing a serious hangover, a broken heart and worry.

The RAAF called this morning informing us that my brother was being brought home after suffering severe injuries in a bomb attack. According to Mom, they wouldn’t tell her over the phone when or where it had occurred or how bad ‘severe’ meant. All we knew was that Mike needed us now. Six hours later, Dad pulls into the parking lot of the Greenslopes General Military Hospital in Brisbane. I bury my pain, both emotional and physical, and walk my parents inside.

“Er, hi. Um, we here to see Captain Michael Parker,” I say to the young man behind the reception counter.

“Sure.” He glances up then back to his screen before picking up a phone and mumbling something.

“Third floor. Ward three.” He smiles and waves us toward the elevators.

Mom is only just keeping her shit together and Dad is a walking ghost. The silver doors close, and the square box jerks before it rises and stop on the designated level. I take the lead and ask at the desk about Mike.

“Please wait here. A doctor will be with you shortly.” A pretty nurse in blue cammo waves toward the plastic chairs before vanishing down the corridor.

“Oh God, Jim. What if?”

Mom’s waterworks start up again and, in a gesture, I’ve never ever seen my father make, he wraps his arms around her.

“It’ll be good, Bess. You’ll see. You know how these fellas overreact about a scratch.


“Hi, Meryl” I greet her as she answers the clinic’s phone.

“Morning, love. How’s Mike?” she replies.

“Not good,” I fight back my tears, “Listen. I won’t be in for the rest of the week. I know we’re short staffed but…”

The damn flood gates breaks when I hear my brother cry out as the nurses change his dressings.

“We’ll make do.”

“Of course… erm… I need you to please check in on Alisha Zerwick. Somethings not right there and she’s avoided every attempt I’ve made to catch up with her.”

“Your family needs you now. Keep me updated, will you? I’ll take care of the Zerwick girl.” Meryl’s gentle tone assures me.

“Thanks.” I whisper and end the call.

Mom and Dad are at the hotel. I’ve come in early. I slip my phone into my back pocket and walk into the room. Usually, they ask family to wait outside, but my brother wouldn’t let the nurses near him if I wasn’t allowed to stand by him.

I take his right hand in mine. “Mike.” I draw his attention to me as the nurse cleanses the wound running from his left cheek down his neck arm, hand, torso and thigh.

“Hey. You came.” He grunts.

“Wouldn’t miss it for the world.” I try on a brave smile, but I know I’m failing him miserably.

“Just ignore me. I’m being a so– Argh!”

The nurse peels away the layer of gauze on his thigh. I fight the urge to yell at her, kick her and claw her eyes out. But it’s not her fault. There is no pain medication in all the world that can ease the pain of burn wounds.

Once the dressings are done, the nurse leaves me to bathe my brother and dress him in a fresh gown.

“Next time let the nurse wash me. There’s no fun in your siter wash your bum and ding dong.” He pleads jokingly.

“Aaaah, you prefer the hot brunette to sort out your down unders then.” I feel a smile chip the pain off my face.