Page 49 of Doctor of the Bay



“This is absolutely gorgeous!” Rochelle steps onto the deck and inhales deeply.

“Cheers Boet, it’s good to see you’ve found happiness again.” Thomas, her husband holds up his beer and I clink mine against his in solidarity.

Rochelle turns her sharp gaze on me. “So, who is she and will we get to meet her?”

I can’t help but grin as Thomas and I join her out in the afternoon’s coolness. It’s been a hectic Saturday morning in the clinic, but after Myrtle cleared my books, I’ve taken the afternoon off to meet up with my friends from South Africa. Thomas works with Interpol, and Rochelle, an ex-colleague-come-good friend from Simons Town, has joined him on his work trip to Brisbane. Something about hunting down a vital cog in an international art smuggling ring.

“How’s the hospital back in Simons Town?” I ignore her question and change the subject with one of my own.


She grins cheekily knowing I’m not ready to divulge anything on my love life just yet.

We sit down and admire the view in a comfortable silence for a few moments.

“So, I hear Cheryl has gone AWOL,” Thomas says out of the blue.

“Marie call you too?” I shake my head.

“Ja. I called in a favor but haven’t had any luck. She’s good at not being found or…”

His voice drifts off and we all shudder at the thought of the worst outcome. I no longer love her, but I do not wish her to come to harm. I lean back my head and take a deep swig from my beer.

“Knowing her, she’s hopped on to her next victim. Probably someone with more money.”

“I never pegged her for a gold digger.” Rochelle shifts in her seat, a glass of red in her hand, “She was always so demure.”

“The Devil hunts in quiet waters.” I sigh and finish what’s left of my beer. “Top up, anyone?” I offer when I feel the mood darkening.

“Ja please.” Thomas raises his empty.

“Rochelle and I haven’t had time to pop into the shops yet,” he says coming to stand at the kitchen bench.

“No worries. I’ve enough meat, salad and booze to feed an army.” I hand Thomas a fresh beer then reach in the fridge for another and the bottle of red.

Soon we’re laughing about the old days and Rochelle’s brother’s miraculous turnaround from a life of crime and drugs to a father and husband. My mind keeps returning to Simmi every time the distractions quieten down. Rochelle throws together a salad from the greens in my fridge, and Thomas keeps me company at the barbeque as I turn and season the steaks.

After a hearty meal and many hearty laughs, we tidy up. Rochelle rinses and Thomas packs the dishwasher. I envy their connection. Their shared love echoes around them and touches anyone who comes near. I want this with Simmi. But will she allow it? Allow me to love her in this way?

“I was thinking of taking you guys down to the lagoon for a sundowner. It’s the only place in Queensland where the sun sets over the water and it’s amazing.”

“Oh yes. That sounds amazing. You going to invite her along?”

Rochelle’s eyes sparkle and I can’t help but grin.

“Leave the man alone, babe. We’ll meet her soon enough.” Thomas pulls her into him, reflecting his wife’s question in his dark brown gaze.

“Yeah. I’ll drop her a text so you two nosey nellies can get over yourselves.” I turn to find my phone just as its sharp chime echoes across the open plan area of the living room.

“Shit.” I recognize the number on my screen.

“The clinic?”

Thomas gives me a concerned glance.

“No, worse,” I reply and answer the call.

“There’s been another fire,” Rhett exclaims, once more out of breath.

“Where and how bad?” A thread of anger that the police don’t have a clue who the arsonist is and that more people are being harmed wraps itself around me.

“The Eco camp site. We have around thirty injured and two missing.”

“Fuck! We’re on our way.”

I face Thomas and Rochelle. “You guys up for some action?”