Page 42 of Doctor of the Bay

“I can’t find a vein. His arms are too badly burned,” Derek, one of the younger firies who has advanced first aid, calls out.

“Let’s try one of his feet.” Simmi is at his side in a flash and shifts toward the bare feet of the man.

Taking the needle from him, she deftly inserts the cannula while Derek hooks up the Hartmann’s solution. I turn my attention away when Rhett gives me an awkward glance. Yes, I can’t help it, and perhaps it’s a tad macabre in these circumstances, but watching her at work is a turn on, and it paints a different side of her.

Simmi performs another round of observations on the man, then nods to one of Rhett’s men. “Let’s get him to the clinic.”

The men loaded the patient onto the back of a Ute as the only ambulance is in use with the sicker patients. I walk over to Rhett. “Any idea who the bastard could be?”

Rhett wipes a hand down his soot-streaked face, “Nah. But it’s the same fucker who started all the Christmas fires. The same accelerant was used, like a calling card.”


I stand beside the man as the chaos normalizes and the air around us calms. I hear his breathing. It’s strained. “I want you to come see me Monday. You weren’t cleared by me to work yet,” I hold up my hand when Rhett tries to protest. “But I get it.”

“I’ll be there first thing.” He grunts.

“How’s Anna and the boys?” I ask, hoping to clear the air between us.

“Good. Anna’s decided to convert her place into a marriage counseling retreat.” Rhett smiles. “So, there’s a heap of work to do on the property in between the wedding plans.”

“So, no more farming Alpaca?” I chuckle.

Rhett shakes his head. “Oh, there’ll still be Alpaca.”

The man really loves his woman. Sticking by her and three kids that aren’t his. It’s amazing. Something inside me twists. I never thought I’d hope to feel that way again, but with Simmi, I reckon I do.

“Well, I need to get to the clinic.” I grab my bag off the back of the truck. “Monday morning, first thing,” I remind Rhett, then make my way to my car. Simmi has gone down on the Ute with their last patient.

“Yeah. First thing.” Rhett waved.

The clinic is a mass of hustle and practiced bustle as all three doctors, Myrtle, and Simmi rush to treat the injured.

“All right. I’ve two ambulances on their way from Bundy and the chopper is en route from Brisbane. They should get here in the next ten minutes,” Meryl called out.

“Fuck, it’d better be a quick ten minutes,” Mark bellows from where he stands. “My patient’s suffered excessive smoke inhalation and his trachea is swollen. I’m gonna need to use the manual resuscitator.”

“Shout out if you need assistance,” I reply, and return my attention to my patient.

The young woman has second-degree burns to her legs and thighs. The heat has melted her pajama shorts into her flesh, but those are the least of her problems. Like the others, it’s her lungs that have sustained the brunt of the injuries.


I hand over the last of our patients as dawn’s sanguine fingers stroke the horizon. The chopper and two ambulances take off. Only when the sirens and the chopping blades have vanished, do we clean up and leave for home.

“Do you mind dropping me off?” Simmi asks. “I’d walk, it’s not too far, but I’m bushed.”

“I’d like to make you breakfast instead.”

She pauses when I wave her into the front seat, biting her bottom lip before cocking her head. She gives me a heated, lustful gaze that shoots a bolt of lightning straight down my body, ending at the tip of my cock.

“I don’t have my toothbrush or fresh undies.” She grins wickedly.

I glance around to make sure there are no Doris’s watching us before I reach out and grip her arms, pulling her into me. The tips of our noses touch. “I’m sure we can sort something out.”

No longer able to do nothing, I nip her lip. She pushes her voluptuous, delicious body into mine, her breasts soft and her nipples excited, the scent of soot and ocean wrapping themselves around me.

I take her answer to be a yes. I covet her mouth, only pulling away when the rumble of a car’s engine echoes from around the corner.

“Let’s blow this joint,” she whispers, her tone laden with hunger and exhaustion.

The drive home is painfully long even though it only takes a minute. My cock is stiff and throbbing. My mind overrun with images of what I plan to do to her.