Page 37 of Doctor of the Bay



I down the last of my beer. It’s a glorious early evening as the simmering rays of the sun set the horizon on fire. But it’s not the only thing burning.

The picture of Jay holding Cindy in his arms has plagued my entire day. There was nothing romantic about the scene I witnessed whatsoever, but the horrible feeling that I did not like seeing another woman so close to him surprised me.

I lean over and collect my flip flops, which are full of sand. Dropping my tin in the recycling bin, I trot up the path and over the small wooden bridge crossing from beach to holiday park in my bare feet. Thankfully, the trees have thrown a shade long enough for the wooden beams to have cooled down. Pity I can’t say the same about the green dragon which has raised her jealous head.

I’ve spent the remainder of my day, after dropping an exhausted but recuperated Cindy off at home, and checking on the family, trying to chill. But my thoughts kept drifting back to Jay, and how much I wanted to be Cindy, minus the food poisoning, cradled in his arms.

My feet hit the cool, neatly trimmed grass of the holiday park. One of the few things Dad prides himself on. I wish he’d be so tender with his marriage. I curl my toes in appreciation. Life’s not perfect, but thanks to where I live, it sure is bliss. I reach into my bag for my phone. Perhaps Anna, Kyles, and the girls are in the mood for a picnic tomorrow? I need some girlfriend time and I’m sure they’re dying to find out more about the goss that has surely reached them.

“Have a good day?”

I stop dead at the base of my cabin’s porch to find Jay standing on my top step.


This man who towers over most on a normal day, looks down to me from the top of my patio like a god from his throne. His lips match the fiery sky and his azure gaze is swirling in a pool of lightning and thunder. Now more than ever I am convinced had Thor and Zeus ever made a child, Doctor Jason Hill would be the outcome.

My knees tremble, my nipples pucker, and my lady bits drool and tingle. I shift my sarong to make sure he can’t see my stupid body’s betrayal to his presence.

“Er yes. Am I needed? Is there an emergency?” I ask as I trot up the steps, pushing past him and almost throwing myself into his arms. Instead, I pull open the sliding door of my small home.


He follows me inside.

“What’s up?” I place my bag on the floor beside my small kitchenette, wondering when it was I’d invited him inside.

Jay steps toward me.

“We have unfinished business.”

His voice deepens into that low gruff reminiscent of a hungry wolf, and I swear my bikini jumps of my body by itself.

I want to resist. Tell him to leave. He’s my boss for God’s sake, and a man who turns my world upside down. An upside down I never wanted or asked for.

Instead, I slam shut the door and lock it and before I can say, take me I’m yours, we’re both naked and clawing at one another.

We make it to my bedroom and I give the windows a quick glance, reach out, and tug the blinds shut. Jay grips my right arm and pins it behind my back. It forces my breasts to push out and make me lean my head to the left. His lips make their way down the sensitive skin of my neck, his beard scraping deliciously against my carotid.

I make to grab him with my free hand, but he grips it and brings it back, then holds both my wrists in one of his large hands, not looking up once as he continues to taste and nip the skin across my collarbones and breasts. I bite down hard on my tongue, forcing the scream of pleasure back down my throat. His free hand grips and squeezes my flesh. The greedy nature of his foreplay forcing every one of my senses to quiver with pleasure.

Then he stops and I feel like someone has just pushed me into an ice-cold bath.

“Lie on your back.”

He nods toward my bed. His gruff order isn’t menacing and only adds to the frenzy going on inside of me and between my legs. He opens my cupboard as I obey his unspoken command. I’m about to ask what he’s up to when he turns around, smiling.

“I was looking for a scarf. But this will do.”

He holds up a pair of cuffs and other toys I’ve purchased from Anna’s sexy lingerie parties.

I never thought I’d actually use them. They’d been purchased to support her, which she no longer needs as she’s making a killing.

“I hope I’ll get to see you in this?”