Page 33 of Doctor of the Bay

Doris pales a shade before an evil smirky grin spreads across her face like an oil slick.

“Why Simmi, it’s good to see you.”

She greets me with the faux friendliness she’s so well known for.

Missus Du Bois gives me a dirty glance and walks away.

“Spreading lies again?” My anger bubbles to the point of overflow.

“Why? The truth could never be construed as a lie?” She waves her bandaged hand in the air.

I stop her. “Any proof to back you up, or you just looking to stir?”

“Oh, come now, Simmi!” Doris feigns silkily. “We both now I’m right,” she says a little softer.

“One day you’ll say something smart about the wrong person. And when that day comes, I’ll be handing them the baton.” I turn and walk over to the cashier.

I’m surprised Doris doesn’t hurry after me as she usually does, just to make a point. Instead, I notice another customer has her attention. Doris Dorsett and her son Chris are the town assholes. Gossip mongers and antagonizers. This is Doris’ store, the only place in the bay one can do groceries, and the hub of the queen of bullshit spreading.

We all gossip, but fuck me, none of our news sharing is anywhere near as malicious as hers. It was time someone put her in her place. Rhett, our local mayor, and town savior did just that to her son last year after the fires. No one’s heard a peep out of Chris since.

I grab my bags and rush out the store walking bang into, “Fuck, sorry are you…” Jay.

We try to walk past one another but end up choosing the same direction as the other each time like two bobble heads. Eventually, Jay places both his hands on my shoulders and turns us around so that his back is facing the store and mine the parking lot.

“There.” He grins and my bikini bottom turns to mush for like the trillionth time.

“Th-thanks.” I smile, spin around and force my legs not to sprint to my car.

What was that? I’m never so lost when it comes to situations with men. Fuck doctor Jason Hill. I hate that he has this effect on me, and fuck Doris and all the old used up gossiping hags that live for her rancid bullshit.

After dumping my bags on the front passenger seat, I hop behind the wheel. I need fresh air, sun, and a beer. I couldn’t care less it’s not anywhere close to midday.