Page 32 of Doctor of the Bay

I walk to my room and shut the door as my phone beeps.

Yeah, I watched her from the porch. Table’s in the shed.

Jeezus! This is why I’ll never get married and have kids!


“Don’t stop, God!” I cry as Jay’s tongue strokes my nub and his fingers busy themselves between m y legs.

I’m so close, so close…

He slides up my torso, the tip of his dick teasing my entrance. His gaze is wild and hot, his lips soaked in my juices.

“I think it’s time we finish what we started.”

His voice echoes.

“Wha- Why do you sound so far away?”

I sit up, my eyes are sticky from sleep and the only thing lying on top of me is my sheet. Well shit. If this isn’t the equivalent of a wet dream, then I’m definitely losing it! I sit on the edge of my bed and lean forward. My head’s still spinning from the lingering sensations and my body’s still burning with the need to climax.

A cool breeze drifts through my open window and washes over me. I throw my head back. And slip a hand between my legs.

Falling onto my back, I let go of all the tension clinging to me. I know my solution is only temporary, but it’s better than nothing. I hate that I’m so hooked on one guy. No, he’s a man. A turn my knickers to dust hot man and I need to get the fuck over him.

I slip on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. The aromatic scent of a barista-brewed mocha and savory bacon assault my overwhelmed senses as I open the bedroom door. Mom’s left, but on the small kitchen counter is a takeaway cup and a plate. The ketchup’s painted over the eggs and bacon in a love heart.

She and Dad have made up, or… A shudder runs the length of my spine. I walk back and pick up my phone.

Mom with you?

The reply is instant.

Well and happy. Got the neighbor’s boys to swop the tables around. Gonna build me a man shed.

Not the answer I was hoping for, nor is my dad pushing daisies–yet. And I’m in for a whole new rollercoaster ride of arguments and make ups. At my tiny kitchen counter, I take a seat and sigh. I can’t wait to book these two into aged care one day so they can torment others with their crap.

I rinse my plate and cutlery and realize I haven’t been to the shops this week. Damn! I’m all out of detergent and a few other basics. I make a quick list and brush my teeth. I want to spend some time on the beach this morning, so I decide to wear my two piece and a sarong over it. Then I stare at myself a little longer in the full-length mirror.

Should I invite Jay?

No, I need to use today to sort out my brain. If I’m gonna sleep with him one last time, I need to be ready mentally and emotionally. I grab my keys and shopping bags. Groceries first, then the shit pile that’s my life.

The parking lot at the shopping center is a lot quieter than what it has been over the holiday season. I find a spot right at the store’s entrance.

I want to zip in and out because I hate shopping, especially when it’s for necessities. I come to the end of the household isle when I hear a familiar voice.

“If you ask me, I think they were up to more than counting stock. Simmi’s blouse was buttoned all crooked. The shame of it. That’s why I should let Pete know.”

“But hasn’t he sold the practice to the new doctor?” Missus Du Bois’s shrill voice replies.

“If he has any scruples left in that old shriveled up body of his, he’d never let that new bloke sully his legacy. To think of our new doctor and Simone Parker doing the dirty in the practice like that.”

Doris’s words cause my world to explode in a trillion fiery bits.

“Well, good luck with getting through to Pete. Last I heard that Belinda woman was keeping him just as busy.” Old hag number two ads.

“Seems to me that clinic is a hub for iniquities instead of healing.”