Page 31 of Doctor of the Bay



I park my small car beside my cabin. It’s not much, but the rent is cheap and the entire holiday village, which consists of cabins and camping spots, sits plumb on the edge of the main beach in Bondage Bay.

My humble abode rests like a rustic old toad in the far corner of the park, not too close to the rest of the cabins, and not too near my folk’s home.

I turn my face skyward. The full moon smiles down from her perch in black satin and sequenced heaven. Fuck, what have I done? How could I just fall into Jay’s arms like some sex-starved nymph? And his request that we finish what we started... “Argh!” My hormones can’t handle it!

Perhaps he’s got a point though? Maybe we need one last tango in a bed, taking our time. One that isn’t a sneaky quickie in the back of the surgery. If I take a little more time so I can better explore his body and taste his soul, then I’d tire of him, and we can both just get on with our lives.

I shove my keys in my back pocket and trudge wearily toward the front door. My heart thumps against my breastbone and my breath stalls midway between my lungs and mouth.


Sitting on the top step leading to my cabin is my mom, beer in hand, sobbing. Shit, this is all I need after the day I’ve survived.

“This time I’m leaving him for good, Simmi. I’ve had it with that man.” Mom blubbers between swigs of her beer and snotty, ugly crying.

I look around. We’re alone. There are only two camping sites in use and one cabin out on the far eastern border of the park. Thankfully, Dad’s nowhere to be seen.

“Come on. Let’s get you inside.” I slip a hand through Mom’s arm and lift the sozzled woman to her feet. My other hand slides open my front door. I never lock the place out of season, and then I plonk Mom down on the couch.

“I think we could both use a coffee.” I take the bottle from her reluctant grip.

With two steaming instant cuppas in hand, I sit beside her. She’s calmed somewhat.

“Now, you going to tell me what you two fought about this time?”

I fight back the frustration in my tone. It’s the fourth time this month Mom and Dad have had a falling out. They’ve never been good together–except in the bedroom. No one wants to know how I know this. But since my brother Mike’s deployment somewhere in the UAE, their fighting has worsened. I wish they’d just split up and stay separate.

“Gave that bastard the best years of my life, I did. And two children.” She waves a hand around spilling coffee. “How does he repay me?”

Her watery gaze fixes on me as though I should have the answer.

I shrug and swallow a sigh.

“By selling my grandmother’s dining room set and buying a bloody second-hand billiards table instead!” she hollers, throwing up her hand, almost tipping her mug.

Okay this I can sympathize with, especially since the hundred-year-old, teak heirloom was promised to me. What’s worse, is that the scale of bullshit between the pair has stepped up a notch.

I place my hand on hers. “You can sleep on my couch, Mom. I’ll go round to the op shop and see if I can find the dining room set first thing in the morning.”

Mom moves toward me and throws her arms around my neck. Warm coffee drips down my back and I fight the urge to lose it completely.

“Aw honey. Thank you. What would I do without you?”

She sobs into my neck.

“It’s all good, Mom. Here give me your mug.” I take the half drunk, half spilled cup from her and place it beside mine on the table. “Lie back, I’ll get a blanket.” I trot off to my bedroom.

Mom’s snoring by the time I get out the shower. I doused myself in soap and scrubbed, but I can still smell Jay all over me. His sultry flavor lingers on my lips.


I shake my head and pick up my phone. I glance toward Mom one last time, snoring softly on the couch, her face relaxed. She’ll be no more bother. I text Dad a message.

Mom’s with me. Why’d you sell the table?