Page 25 of Doctor of the Bay

“Common Sims, don’t leave us hanging. We’re not everyone else. We’re your girls,” Kylie pleads.

“Dudes, don’t you have drama of your own to keep you busy?” I try changing their focus. “Anna, how are the wedding plans going?”

They don’t answer and give me a unified, we ain’t moving till ya dish, look.

“Fine…” I wipe a hand down my face. “We’ve kissed. Once. That’s all.” I bite the inside of my mouth at the bold lie as it was so much more than a kiss.

“Bullshit.” Kylie grunts. “When have you ever said no to a hot fuck whose built like a Viking.”

“I have mentioned he’s my boss.”

A memory of his seven foot something towering over me as eyes of molten ice bore into my soul. I down the last of my cuppa as the memory of his large hands gripping my naked butt cheeks causes the spot between my thighs to tingle and my cheeks to flush.

“Your boss, eh?” Kylie chuckles as the end of school day bell rings out across the way. “Look, we all know why you run from relationships.”

My friend’s words strike a bolt of unwanted acknowledgement down my spine.

“Oh yeah and why’s that?” I’m pissed, but more at me than them, though I won’t show it. I don’t go digging around in their married lives and God knows there are some freaky skeletons hiding out in them, too.

Anna takes my hand.

“We’re not the enemy and what Kylie means…”

I pull my hand away. I don’t have it in me to do the touchy feely bullshit with them, not when it’s my touchy feely bullshit they want to discuss.

“See ya all later.” I chuck my cup in the recycling bin and grab my bag.

I know I’m behaving like a bitch, but right now, I don’t care. If I had to be honest with myself, I don’t know how else to cope with all these feelings. I stomp off toward the car. Closing the door of the clinic’s SUV, I take a moment to gather myself.

Shit. Shit. Shit! Why can’t I just open up and tell them? They would never laugh at me or hurt me and they of all people would know why I’m still thinking about him. And not just sex, but in that way I never do. It’s a bit of fun and then goodbye, but not after Jay. I swear I can still smell him on me.