Page 24 of Doctor of the Bay



I hide behind my lukewarm Mocha. It’s mid-summer, but never too hot for one of Brad’s special coffees. The tiny nerves in my nose leading up into my brain conjure an image of the Arabica and dark chocolate dancing with the eucalyptus of the tress we’re sitting beneath, infusing my body with its rich relaxing aroma.

“So, you gonna tell us about our new doctor, or do one of us actually have to fake a sicky?”

Kylie gives me a cheeky wink from where she sits opposite me at the small round table, and I wish I owned an invisible cloak. I know they can read my mind right off the shell-shocked expression painted on my face.

We meet here whenever we can. Fran, Kylie, Anna, and sometimes Daz. Just before school comes out. I don’t have kids, but I love a good chocolate coffee and the latest goss. The local barista and his van are our favorite haunt in this tight knit community. That, and the fact he’s parked opposite the school.

“You saw him when you brought Bruce down last week,” I say, not daring to look any one of them in the eye. I know what they want, but I ain’t telling.

“Yeah nah! There was hardly enough time to introduce ourselves,” Kylie replies.

“Gawd, look at this!” Fran pushes her phone screen in all our faces.

“Whose account is that?” I ask, trying not to sound too snappy after seeing a topless shot of my boss going for a run on the main beach. My knees automatically clamp together.

“Erm, it’s your mom’s actually.”

“Aw geez Mom.” I huff.

“Daz reckons there were literal sparks flying between you two when ya drove out to them to check on Steve’s leg the other day,” Fran added, stirring the pot a little more.

“She’s dreaming.” I sit up straight and square my shoulders.

“Cummon, Sim. You always share your hot hook ups,” Kylie said, her voice pleasing while she leans forward over the table, batting her eyes.

I shrug and sigh.

“Ooh wait!” Kylie slaps her leg and I know what she’s about to spew.

I shake my head willing her to shut up.

“It’s more than a simple hook up, ain’t it?”

Everyone’s heads snaps in my direction, and for a second, I feel like the last living human on a planet filled with zombies.

“No,” Is all I can manage, but they know I’m lying.

“He scares me a little.” Anna speaks for the first time. “He’s so tall and burly, like a grizzly.” She gives me an apologetic glance.

“Yeah, but a super-hot grizzly.”

Fran smiles mischievously and I have to bite back a giggle. I love these girls, even when they’re behaving like nosey cows.

“Makes for some good snogging,” Kylie jibes.

“Enough already. He’s my boss and any sparks you think you see are in your imagination.” I make sure my tone tells them there’ll be no more out of my mouth.

I’ve known these ladies all my life, but I’m not ready to share what’s gone down between Jay and I. I’m not ready to think about it myself yet.

“You know our grapevine is abuzz with speculation,” Fran said.

“Yeah, no thanks to bloody Doris. Let them speculate,” Anna pipes up.

She has no time for the woman or her creepy ass son, Chris.