Page 6 of Elevator Kiss

“But you have to be convincing.” Or no hobbit tours.

“I’ll earn those day trips. Believe me. My acting skills can be highly convincing.” She ran a fingertip around my collar.

My neck got hot, and it spread up to my cheek. Whew. As long as I remembered not to get convinced by those acting skills myself. This was only for show. “Then we have a deal.”

Bessie lurched to life, as if she’d stopped just long enough for this little scenario to play out. We clanked our way up to the seventh floor.

And I still hadn’t kissed Amanda Starkey.

Humph. I will someday. I vowed it.

As the doors rattled open, I pointed out Amanda’s ponytail elastic. “You might want to …” I waved at her hair.

The doors flung wide. Standing on the other side was Georgia Grimes, company CEO. “You two were in there long enough.” She aimed an accusing eyebrow at me. “Your suit is suspiciously rumpled, Calvin.”

Uh, whoops?

Her gaze shot to Amanda, who was redder than Georgia’s severe lipstick. “You’re being paged incessantly, you know. And of all the women in this office, Amanda.” She tsked and shook her head. “I thought you’d be the holdout.”

What was that supposed to mean?

Grimes eyed me. “In future, please leave all SolutionX employees better than you found them.”

“Yes, ma’am.” We exited the elevator, and Ms. Grimes stepped on, Bessie whisking her away.

Amanda turned to me, her pretty blush subsiding. “Tell your pal Parley I’m coming.” She stalked away, her stilettos clicking on the terrazzo floor. “And that I’m bringing all my favorite elf costumes.”

Wait. Elf costumes? What?