There was quite a lively crowd out on the lawn. The band was playing an upbeat popular song, and the dance floor was already filled with couples gyrating to the electrifying beat. Noah and Jordan drew her attention. They were glued to each other, slowly swaying to their own love song, and ignoring the pulse of the music and the men and women dancing wildly around them.

The lawn looked beautiful. There were round tables with white linen tablecloths that touched the ground, and candles, each glowing softly as night rapidly approached. Servers with silver trays of tempting canapés threaded their way through the guests. A buffet was being set up at the north end of the lawn, far enough away from the dance floor that people could carry on a conversation.

Isabel stayed on the porch while she scanned the crowd for Michael. Alec, Dylan, and Nick were standing near the pool. They all looked as though they were having a good time. Finally, there was Michael. He was crossing the path to join his brothers. Amanda was with him. She wasn’t holding on to Michael, but she was walking so close to him her arm repeatedly rubbed against his. She kept looking up at him and smiling, but Isabel didn’t think the smile was all that sincere.

She realized she was looking for reasons to dislike the woman. The fact that she and Michael had been together should have been enough. Isabel had assumed their relationship was over. Now, where had she come up with that idea? Jordan, she decided. Jordan had put the notion in her head when she said that Michael would never marry Amanda because he didn’t love her.

Michael and Amanda certainly looked friendly now, didn’t they? While the brothers talked and laughed, Isabel noticed Amanda leaning into Michael with her hand on his arm. It was a disgusting display of ownership. If they were still involved—and it was apparent they were—why did Michael spend the night with Isabel? She knew the answer, just hated admitting it. She had thrown herself at him. He had tried to leave the bedroom, but she had shamelessly seduced him. She remembered exactly what she’d said to him: “I want you.” Was that before or after she removed her pajamas?

Michael wasn’t a cad, but he was human, and she had been relentless. She would have left him alone if he’d mentioned he was still involved with Amanda. Why hadn’t he mentioned it?

Isabel was blatantly staring at the couple when Michael looked across the lawn and saw her on the porch. He started to walk toward her but was stopped by Amanda when she took his arm and said something to him. He turned back to her then.

It was time to have a talk with Michael. Isabel knew she had a bad habit of jumping to conclusions without knowing all the facts. She would find out the truth by simply asking him. And the sooner, the better.

She went down the steps and came to a quick stop. Sauntering toward her were four fit, gorgeous males. She knew who they were. These giant Texans were the MacAlisters, the Buchanans’ relatives. The brothers had sandy brown hair, which was the only difference between them and the Buchanan men, who were just as tall and broad-shouldered, but with dark hair.

The air was brimming with testosterone. Noah joined them and quickly made the introductions. Sebastian, Gavin, Hunter, and Gabriel greeted Isabel with broad grins and hearty handshakes. There was no mistaking their intent. These gentlemen were there to have a good time. Maybe it was time for her to do the same.

Sebastian took hold of her hand. “Come on, darlin’. Dance with me.” With the twinkle in his hazel eyes and his rascal smile, he was quite a charming fellow. He didn’t have to coax her. Michael didn’t seem in any hurry to get to her. He was still talking to Amanda. Isabel smiled at Sebastian and took his hand.

Once she started dancing, she let the music take her away. One song led to another and another, and then Gavin demanded a dance. She couldn’t turn him down. Two more dances later, she was ready to take a break. But just as the band began to play a slow, romantic love song, Michael tapped Gavin on the shoulder, told him he was cutting in, and pulled Isabel into his arms. Pressing her body to his, he began to move to the music. Tilting her chin up so he could look into her eyes, he asked, “How was your day?”

Was he serious? That’s what he wanted to talk about?

“It was busy. How was your day?” she asked, deciding to play along.


And that was it. Not one word about last night. She waited, thinking he might be working up to the topic of being hot, sweaty, and naked with her all night long, but he didn’t say a word. He couldn’t be that blasé, could he? Had Michael already moved on, or had he forgotten about last night? No, of course he hadn’t. Perhaps to him sex was like having a beer in the evening. No reason to talk about it the next day because it wasn’t significant. It was just a beer.

Not one word about Amanda, either. It was time to get answers.

God knows she tried, but it was impossible to ask him anything because they kept getting interrupted. First by Gabriel MacAlister, who wanted to cut in, but Michael wouldn’t let him, then by Theo, who wanted to remind Michael that he and Michelle would be leaving early tomorrow morning. The song ended while the brothers talked. Michael didn’t seem to notice when Isabel let go of his arm and turned around... until she tried to walk away. He took her hand and drew her back to him, then draped his arm over her shoulder so she couldn’t move.

“Isabel, are you going to sing for us tonight?” Theo asked.


He waited for an explanation, and after a couple of seconds he realized she had nothing more to say. He laughed and said, “Okay, then.”

“Want me to drive you to the airport tomorrow?” Michael asked him.

“I’d be happy to drive you,” Isabel offered.

The look on Theo’s face was one of horror, but when he turned and headed back to the house, Isabel could see his shoulders shaking with laughter.

“My offer wasn’t funny.”

“Yeah, it was,” Michael told her.

Isabel spotted Alec heading their way, and behind him was Amanda, watching Michael. Isabel would have to wait until later to catch Michael alone. She once again tried to walk away, but Michael tugged her back to him. The man didn’t know his own strength and practically plastered her against his chest.

Michael stopped Alec’s and Amanda’s approach. “If you’ll excuse us, Isabel and I are going to dance.” Alec immediately nodded and turned back, but Amanda stood frowning at them for a second before retreating.

“Michael, I’m not a football,” Isabel said, sighing. “Stop gripping me so tight. Dance like a normal person.”

He gently pushed her head down on his shoulder and began to sway to the music. “I like your dress.”