“What about copyright?” Michael said.

“Taken care of.”

“That’s smart thinking,” Nick said.

She wished she could take credit. “Dylan made sure I protected each song.”

“With everything going on, you aren’t still planning to go to Scotland next Monday, are you?” Dylan asked.

“Everything is scheduled. I can’t see any reason to cancel.”

“Who’s going with you?”

She didn’t want to answer because she knew all three brothers would try to stop her.

“I haven’t decided yet.”

“But you will take someone with you?” Dylan persisted.

Here we go, she thought. She might as well get the storm over with now. Bracing herself, she said, “I thought I’d go by myself.”

“Someone should go with you. Someone who can drive,” Dylan said. Turning to Nick, he explained, “Kate was going to go with Isabel, but a problem at work needs her attention, and she can’t put it off.”

“I’m perfectly capable of going by myself. In fact, I much prefer it. I can go at my own pace, take detours if I want, and I...” She stopped when she realized Dylan’s and Michael’s minds were set, and so she decided to humor them, which meant telling a little lie. “Oh, all right. I’ll ask Damon. He’ll go with me.”

“Oh, hell no,” Michael blurted.

Isabel pushed her chair back and stood. Hands on hips, she frowned at him and demanded, “What is wrong with you?”

Michael also stood, towering over her. Looking just as irritated, he snapped, “Hell if I know.”