“Go for a ride with her and find out,” Michael suggested.

Changing the subject, Nick asked, “Has anyone talked to our parents? When are they getting home? I’m assuming they’ll want to be here for their party.”

“Early tomorrow,” Dylan answered. “Not sure when the cousins will get here.”

“Which cousins?” Theo asked.

“The MacAlisters.”

A collective groan rolled through the sunroom.

“There goes my liver,” Nick said.

Dylan shrugged. “It’s a fact that any one of them can drink all of us under the table.”

“How many are coming?” Theo asked.

“Just four. Sebastian, Gavin, Hunter, and Gabriel.”

“Better lock up your women,” Michael warned.

“Our women?” Alec laughed.

“If one of them goes after Laurant, I’ll have to shoot him,” Nick said.

Noah shook his head. “That will just piss him off.”

At that moment Jordan appeared in the doorway. “Isabel is ready to go back to the hotel. Who wants to drive her?”

Everyone was quiet as all heads turned to Michael.

“No way!” he protested.

“You got her here. You can take her back,” Nick said. “Besides, you’re the only one of us who hasn’t had a drink, so you’re the designated driver.”

Reluctantly, Michael had to give in.

Thankfully, Isabel’s reaction to him had cooled down a little, but she still wasn’t inclined to forgive him just yet. As Michael walked her to the car, she veered away and headed to the driver’s side.

Seeing his life flash before his eyes, Michael rushed after her and took hold of her shoulders, turning her around and steering her to the other side. He deposited her in the passenger seat before letting go.

Disaster averted, he closed her door and went around to the driver’s seat. Her crossed arms and the fiery glint in her eyes as she stared straight ahead told him it was going to be a silent ride back to the Hamilton, and yet he heard her mutter something under her breath. It was a whisper, but he heard it all the same.
