“Yes,” he answered. “The yellow light isn’t a dare. You’re not supposed to honk the horn and slam on the gas to make it across before the light turns red.”

“Are you finished?”

“Just about.”

“Okay. What else would you like to tell me?” It was killing her not to shout at him. He was acting like an obnoxious know-it-all.

“On the bridge did you happen to notice the ‘no passing’ sign? And before you answer, let me explain that, like the speed limit sign, the do-not-pass sign isn’t a suggestion. They really don’t want you to pass when driving on the bridge, which is why they posted the do-not-pass signs.” He leaned down close to her, and in a hard, clipped voice said, “Do... not... pass means do... not... pass.”

Dylan had turned toward the wall and was rubbing the back of his neck so Isabel wouldn’t see him smile.

Kate stared at her sister and looked horrified. “Grace Isabel MacKenna, did you try to pass a car on the bridge? Oh my God, what were you thinking? Didn’t you see the signs? Passing on that narrow bridge... Did you get distracted?”

Kate used Isabel’s full name only when she was furious with her, and Isabel hated when that happened. She was feeling horrible now. She could have caused a disaster. The truth was, she hadn’t noticed the signs, but she wasn’t going to admit it.

“You could have killed someone,” Michael said, straining not to lose his temper.

She scowled at him. “I’ve already done that,” she countered.

“Let me guess. You were writing another song in your head. Right?” Michael asked, caustically.

She was suddenly just as angry. “As a matter of fact, I was. The song was all about you, Michael. I even came up with a title.”

“Yeah? What’s that?”

She poked him in the chest. “Dumbass.”