“I think I’ve lost them,” Noah answered. “Just want to be sure.”

Twenty minutes later, after a meandering route through Boston streets, Isabel was back in her suite.

“You can relax now,” Noah told her. “No one gets on the elevators without showing a room card.”

Both he and Noah took off their ties and stuffed them into the pockets of their suit jackets before heading to the bar refrigerator for a beer. Nick tossed one to Michael, who had already taken off his jacket and hung it in the closet. He grabbed his gym bag and dropped it in a chair by the bedroom door. Then he uncapped his beer and took a long drink. Ready to take a breather, Noah and Nick sprawled out in the chairs, and Michael leaned against the bar. It wasn’t until then that Isabel drew their attention.

After circling the room several times, she went to the sofa, sat, and then jumped right back up. “I’m so happy it’s over. I think it went well. Didn’t it go well? Maybe it went well. Does it matter now? It’s over, thank goodness. Did Kate have a good time? I hope so. My sister works hard.” She was talking so fast her words were tripping over one another.

Michael looked at Nick and said, “Treadmill.”

“Treadmill? What does that mean?” Nick asked.

Isabel didn’t give Michael time to explain but continued rambling. “Did you see how happy Laurant was when she shook Xavier’s hand? I can’t believe I’m not tired. I should be exhausted, but I’m not. I’ve got an abundance of energy.”

“An abundance?” Michael said.

“That means ‘a lot,’ Michael,” Nick explained.

He shot his brother an annoyed glance. “I know what it means.”

Isabel paced in front of the chair with the gym bag and stopped. “Why do you have your bag?” she asked.

He answered with a question. “Are you going to stay here tonight?”

“Yes, I am.”

“Then I’m staying with you. I’ll sleep out here on the sofa.”

“Why are you staying?” she asked.

“Because I know what’s going to happen. In the middle of the night you’re going to want to go to the fitness center and get on the treadmill, aren’t you?”

She decided to admit the truth. “I might.”

“Ah, treadmill,” Nick said, finally understanding.

“Has she done this before? Get up in the middle of the night... ,” Noah began.

“She tried. I didn’t let her.”

Isabel started speed-talking again. She bounced from one thought to another.

“Nick, when are you going to get my flash drive back from that technician? I promised Xavier I would put my songs together soon, and I should probably gather them all. Thank God I don’t have to sing in front of a huge crowd like that again. Promise me, none of you will ask me to sing at the party tomorrow night. Okay?” She didn’t give them time to agree. “I’m just so happy I didn’t mess up. I didn’t, did I?”

Since she was looking at Michael, he answered. “No, you didn’t mess up.”

Her smile was radiant. She looked like he had just given her the highest praise ever.

“Would you like something to drink, Isabel?” Nick asked when he could get a word in.

She went to Michael and took his beer. “No, thank you,” she said. She took a drink and then handed the bottle back.

“What you’re experiencing is a surge of adrenaline, Isabel,” Noah told her.

Nick nodded agreement. “In a little while you’re going to crash, then you’ll be able to sleep.” Turning to Michael he said, “I think it’s a good idea for you to stick around.”

“We should get going,” Nick said.