Page 98 of Code of Courage

“Curtis? Natasha’s neighbor?”

Gabe nodded. “Yeah. At first, when Thomas monitored the cameras, he told Curtis about what he saw. Lately, Curtis hadn’t heard anything, so he thought Thomas lost interest in the cameras and turned them off. From what you’re telling me, a lot of people are afraid they might have been caught on candid camera.”

“According to Raven, the cameras even made Mayor White uncomfortable.” She squirted ketchup on her plate. “Thomas might have lost interest in the cameras, even turned them off. Someone turned them back on. Those cameras were on after he was dead.”

“You think Hobbs was living in the apartment and turned the cameras back on?”

“Maybe Hobbs or Jareb Moore. Though Hobbs did die in the apartment.”

“Still, my money is on Jareb Moore. He seems to be the flash point of most things. From what you said when they chased you, Hobbs was a follower.”

“True,” Danni said as she chewed. “I don’t see Hobbs running the show. I really wish we had an ID on the third guy.”

“Agreed.” Gabe sat back and sipped his drink. He’d barely touched his sandwich. Danni could tell something was on his mind.

She swallowed another bite. “Is there something else?”

“How do you feel after last night? Any aftereffects from the fire?”

“Not really. I’m tired and I keep smelling smoke. What about you?”

He shook his head. “I’m glad I was there when I was. I...” He fiddled with his straw. “I read the book of John last night.”

Danni stopped her sandwich halfway to her mouth. “What?”

“I found the Bible your mom gave me. Remember that?”

“I do. And you read John. Really?”

“I’m struggling, Danni. I don’t believe in coincidences any more than your dad did. What happened yesterday, I stop short of divine intervention. You say God is in control. I’m trying to understand how. I made my own choices. So did you. But if I hadn’t been there...”

She set her half-eaten sandwich down, appetite gone. “I don’t think anyone understands the how. There are some things I’m not sure we can understand. When I say God is in control, I’m not saying he punches buttons and I go a certain way. I’m saying he has a plan, and no matter what happens, he can work out all my choices for my good. I believe and I trust, Gabe. When I told you I put God back in first place in my life, that is what it comes down to.”

“I want to understand, Danni. I really do.”

“Then you will. The first step is asking; next comes seeking.”

Danni held her breath, not daring to hope that Gabe might take the step to trust and believe. Because if he did, maybe there was a chance for them after all.