Gabe was just about to leave his office for his noon appointment with Lettie when his phone rang.
“Sergeant Fox, I’m so sorry, but I can’t meet you at noon. My sister was supposed to come watch Dad, but something came up. She promised me she could sit tomorrow morning. Can we reschedule for then?”
Gabe bit back his disappointment. “Sure, Lettie. I understand your commitment.”
“I’ll call you as soon as she gets here, and I can leave.”
After he hung up the phone and relegated the safe-deposit box to the back burner, he considered his pile of cold cases. Wasn’t there something else more important he needed to do?
Danni came to mind. She would have had her meeting with Chief Raven by now. Despite the scene last night, he could not conceive of Raven disciplining Matt and Danni because they were doing their job. He picked up his phone to call her. He also realized he hadn’t told her what he’d learned about the alley cameras from Curtis.
He pressed her number and it went to voice mail.
“Danni, what happened with the chief this morning? I haven’t heard from you, so I’m hoping it wasn’t bad. By the way, I have some info on the cameras in the alley. Call me when you get a chance. It’s noon right now, and I’m headed to Beans and Bacon for lunch.”
Danni played Gabe’s message when she sat down at her desk. Reflexively she looked at the clock. Noon already. Time flies.
She told Marrs what Raven had said.
“You believe her?”
“I’m not suspended.”
He just shrugged and said nothing.
“I’m ready for lunch. Gabe says he has information on the cameras. He’s at Beans and Bacon.”
“We were just there.”
“Want me to have him meet us somewhere else?”
“Why don’t you go? I brown-bagged it today.”
“All right, I’ll see you in a bit.”
She messaged Gabe that she was on her way, asked him to order her a sandwich and iced tea. It surprised her, the shiver of excitement rattling through her at the thought of seeing Gabe. What can come of this? she wondered. She checked her appearance in the rearview mirror before she left the car for her meet with Gabe.
He stood when he saw her and smiled. Danni felt the zing she’d felt almost three years ago now. Oh, Lord, she wondered, what am I going to do?
“Hey, Danni, glad to see you’re still on the job.”
“At first, I thought just barely. Wait until I tell you what just happened.” She sat and told him about the meeting with Ellis and then with Raven. By the time she finished, their lunch arrived.
“HoffmanJr. also had a conniption when I mentioned the cameras,” she added before taking a bite of her sandwich.
“Everyone is interested in the cameras. Fascinating.”
Danni smiled at Gabe doing his best Spock imitation. “You have news about them?”
“Yes, I do. The cameras were set up by Thomas. He was using them for surveillance, ever since the serial rapist caper.”
Danni swallowed, amazed she’d not heard about it before this. “They’ve been up since then?”
“According to my source. Thomas wanted to handle things himself and not involve the police. Curtis thinks Thomas was doing good work for the community in Barton Plaza.”