Page 93 of Code of Courage

Gabe looked up at Curtis, brows furrowed. “He says a lot without saying anything.”

Curtis only nodded.

“This is the who you referred to earlier, Ira HoffmanSr.? He connects my cold case with the shooting of Johnston?”

“Ira HoffmanSr. is a bad apple, Investigator Fox; he always has been. Twenty-seven years ago, he was not nearly as powerful as he is now. But it was a start.”

“I can’t see him shooting someone in cold blood.”

“We all see what we want to see. People like Hoffman never run short of individuals to do their dirty work.”

“Is he why you’re so paranoid?”

“I’m cautious. Especially cautious around the police.”

“Are you in agreement with Mayor White? Get rid of the police in exchange for civilians and sheriff deputies?”

“I have no problem with the rank-and-file officer. They have no agenda other than to just do their job. It’s the high-ranking officers who scare me. That’s where power and politics collide.”

A car horn sounded from outside. “I believe my ride is here,” Curtis said, gathering up his laptop. “I’ll be at the downtown Holiday Inn if you have more questions.”

Gabe watched from the window as Curtis climbed into the car, not sure he had any more questions for the man. Especially since Curtis never seemed to give him straight answers. He glanced at the clock and gave a start. He had to hurry if he wanted to make it to work.